Sunday 23 January 2011

Tummy Tickling Time

I have had a super day and I am a very happy puss. I have had my tummy tickled lots of times and you know I just love that.

My MH played with me with my toys and when I catch the ball or the feathers, I roll over on my back and it is then that my MH tickles my tummy and I just love that and she does it every time.

I had just finished my little siesta when my MH's friend came up to see me and she played with me too, and she did the very same thing as my MH. She tickled my adorable little tummy lots of times, so I was in tummy heaven.

It has been a very good day.


  1. I'm sorry that Zebby doesn't dictate the comments himself, but he is usually way too busy snoozling and/or purring when I pop onto my laptop.

    I'm delighted to learn that you like having your tummy touched too - Zebby loves an extended tummy rub and tickle, so much that he purrs very loudly and starts washing his ears. When I brush his back (at least daily - on clawing demand!) he also purrs loudly and washes his front paws.

    I send you very happy tummy tickles and lots of care to you and to your dear Humans - I hope you appreciate what wonderfully loving Humans you have and what a wonderful home they put together for you,

    Michelle xxx xxx xxx (share these with your MH and DH please)

  2. Thank you for all those happy tummy tickles. My MH passed them on to me for you and she sent some to Zebby and I am sending him some purrs and squeaks.

    I know I am a lucky pussy cat and I tell my humans that I love them every day and I know that they love me LOTS!
