Wednesday 30 May 2012

Good, good good

It is still summer and I am still happy. I am spending all my time outside and my humans are outside with me for most of the time too, and you know that makes me a very happy pussy cat. Even the lawn mower didn't annoy me today 'cos I was in a very good mood. I liked having all the visitors in my house yesterday and I stayed out late again last night without my humans worrying about me, so everything in my little life is tickety-boo!

My friend A. was over to see me and I liked that 'cos he always talks to me and makes a fuss of me and I purr back at him which makes us both happy. He was actually over to see my MH and to show her how to play her ukulele 'cos although she can play her guitars, she has never played a ukulele, but she can now. I listened for a wee while and it was quite good so I'll let you know how she gets on.

Then we wandered down to put some water in the bath for the cows and we came across a wee baby cow that was lying sleeping on the grass and I am sure it smiled at me, so I purred back. I will go out and see it later on and I will ask it if it smiled at me and then I will tell my MH, but I am sure I was right! I am always right :))

When we came back, me and my MH played on the newly-cut grass and I had great fun and I made her laugh 'cos I did some funny jumps and turns and she said I must have been watching the sheeps 'cos that's what they do.

It is resting time now and then out hunting time for me andI think I will be out late again tonight. I shall let you know!

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