Sunday 1 July 2012

Picture the Scene

There was I, sound asleep on my MH's feets, dreaming of mouses and I was just about to catch one, when I heard a funny tapping noise.

I wakened up, and there it was again ---tap,tap, tap. I jumped off my bed and went into the spare bedroom and there sitting on the outside window sill was a ginormous seagull tapping at my window!

I don't know if he wanted me to go out and play or if he wanted my MH to feed him, but I crept into the room and growled at him from the floor. I didn't want to jump up onto the window sill in the bedroom 'cos I wasn't quite sure what the big seagull would do, so I just growled at him and swished my adorable little tail and he flew away.

I went back to bed and told my MH that she was safe again and we both had another wee snooze.

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