Sunday 12 August 2012


I was in and out all last night from very late at night until very early in the morning and it was so good. I love being outside hearing all the birdies chirrping at me and listening to the mouses as they scurry away from me. They don't know I am a good pussy cat and that I wouldn't hurt them----but I'm not going to tell them!

The window was left open for me so I could come and go as I pleased and at one point I came home and both my humans were in bed, so I checked they were OK and then nipped out again. Wonderful!

We had a family discussion the other day about a cat flap on my door instead of leaving the window open, but my DH decided against it and I shall tell you why. My house is one of the highest on my little island and wherever the wind is coming from, it comes past us and my humans thought that if we had a cat flap the wind could come into my house and blow everything about. It might even blow my MH off her Wii machine when she is doing her exercises---and that would not be good at all.:))

Between you and me, dear blogger, I am quite happy not to have a me-flap, 'cos when it is wind-ing and raining, I don't really want to go out, so when the window is shut, I have a good excuse to stay in and cuddle up on my couch so I am in total agreement with the decision.

I am going to sit on my MH's knee tonight and watch the closing ceremony of the Olympics and I am looking forward to it, then I shall probably head off into the wilderness that is my back yard and hunt and sniff and purr and do things that an adorable pussy cat does.

I hope you are doing things that you like doing.

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