Wednesday 3 October 2012

Snoozing Time

I was up and out very early this morning hero-ing and terrorising in equal measures until it was time to go back home for something to eat and a snooze.

My humans were both out today but my MH was home just after lunch time, so I managed to open one eye and give her a wee purr before I went to sleep again. She took this picture of me and I want you to look at it closely.

This is our newest duvet cover and it has wee cloth roses on it which are quite lovely, BUT! one day, when I was in a very happy mood and this duvet cover was on, I ran into the bedroom, made a ginormous spring from the door and landed on the bed and right on top of the red rose, then skidded off the bed again with part of the red rose stuck to my adorable little paw. Ooops! It was funny, and fortunately my MH just laughed.

I know I am a very lucky pussy cat to have a MH who doesn't get angry very much, but I am careful not to push my luck 'cos every now and then, she opens the cupboard door and shows me the soup pot. No word are needed. I know EXACTLY what she is saying. Hee hee

We are just waiting for my DH to come home and then we will all have our dinner and after I have had another snooze, I shall go out a-playing and a-hunting and a-sniffing and generally just enjoying my adorable little self.

I hope you enjoy yourself tonight too.

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