Monday 21 January 2013

Oh Dear

I got a fright today, but I am all better now.

My little weather man friend was right and we did get snow. Not enough for me to go sledging, but enough to make my garden all white for a wee while and it is because of the snow that I got a fright.

As you know, Monday Chez Squeak is house work day, so I stayed in my bed while my MH ran around my house with the vacuum cleaner and then when she was finished, I sat on her knee and watched the snow as it was rushing past my living room window and we both like that.

Then! The silly lady decided that she was going into her gym for a while and she has to go outside and round the corner of my house to get to it. She waited till it wasn't snowing and blowing and off she went, but me and my DH had much more sense and we stayed inside my house where it was all warm and dry and not windy.

I had another snooze and I had just wakened up and was wandering into my kitchen for a wee biscuit when the door opened and this THING appeared giving me a great big fright.

When I got down off the top of the kitchen cupboard, I took a closer look and saw it was my MH all covered in snow. When she had been coming home, the snow started and blowed into her face and her front was all white and I didn't know it was her until she brushed it all off again. Whew!

We all had a wee giggle once she had thawed out, but she said she is not going out again today. She is just going to play with me instead.

And who can blame her?

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