Sunday 24 February 2013

What a Surprise!

 Well. I went out to play last night after I had seen the old dear settled into her bed and my DH was still reading, so it was safe to leave him too, and I nipped into the field to ask the mummy sheeps if I could speak to the baby sheep and what a surprise I got 'cos there were two of them!

For a wee minute or two, I thought my eyes were playing tricks, so I did a few wee blinks and a couple of pupil exercises and looked again and guess what----they are twins! Identical baby black sheeps twins, so all the more for me to play with.

The mummy sheeps wasn't too happy with me so I didn't go too close, but I gave them a wee purr which told them I wouldn't hurt them and maybe we could play when they are a wee bit older, but what a lovely surprise.

My friend S. came to see me today and I have been rather full of energy so I kept her and my MH busy running after me, but I know they both love doing that.

I went outside with my MH as she was taking her pictures and I was just doing pussy cat things when she took this adorable picture of yours truly.

I hope you like it. I am having a snooze now, but the weather is  still good so I think I will be out very, very late tonight, but what I shall be doing is anybody's guess!

I hope you have a good night too.

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