Sunday 23 June 2013


.... I am sure there may be some people out there who do not know this little pussy cat well, and think that maybe I make up all these stories about helping my humans, but today I have the proof. I would not tell a lie. I am a good pussy cat----well, except when I dig in my DH's garden or waken my MH in the middle of the night by whispering in her lug! Hee hee

Anyway, it has been very wet today and the wind has been blowing too, so we have all been inside for most of the day and we have been taking it easy except for my poor old MH who has to keep doing her exercises.

However, I make them much easier for her when I keep her company and she likes that a lot and today my DH took these pictures of me doing my 'bit' as personal trainer for the old dear.


This is one of her stretching exercises and I was trying it too and I have to say, modestly of course, I was MUCH better than she was. But I won't tell her that.

Then it was time to do her leg exercises with the strap which goes round the leg of the bed and round her ankle and then she has to pull her leg back and forward. It still makes a funny noise when she pulls it---- the strap that is, NOT her leg!---- and I really like the noise. It always makes me smile and you know I like to smile.

By this time I was quite sleepy. It is tiring doing all this helping, so I nipped up on to my couch and had a snooze while my DH read his book and my MH played on her Wii, but every now and then, when she missed the ball, me and my DH had a wee smile together.

But she didn't see us which as just as well 'cos we both need fed soon. :-))))

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