Wednesday 21 August 2013

Busy Little Pussy cat

 I had my usual late night perambulation around my happy hunting ground last night and I had a lovely time. I came home about three o'clock and my house was all in darkness, so I nipped in very quietly, had a wee biscuit and a drink and then I slipped into the bedroom to see that the old dears were OK and, as they were both sound asleep----I actually could tell by the noise before I got in the window! (Hee hee)----- I cuddled up beside my MH and had a good sleep until this morning when we were all up quite early.

This was my DH's day in the Cat Shop so he was away and my MH was out for a wee while but when she came back, I helped her hang out her washing and I did all my pole dancing tricks which keep her amused and then we went into the gym for a while until her little legs were tired and then we played on the grass and I ran and ran and ran until my little legs were sore too.


So, after we had both limped home and settled down on my couch, my friend A. came in to see me and we all had a chat. I like when A. comes in 'cos he always talks to me and tickles me and I give him my special purrs which makes him happy too.

We had a quiet time until my DH came home and then I went into our greenhouse with him and we brought my MH some more wee tomatoes so that was good and made her smile.

So you can see I have been quite busy and I need a wee rest now until I go outside later on tonight.

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