Saturday 31 August 2013

Ho Hum

Oh dear, I have been a wee fed-up pussy cat today 'cos the weather outside my house has been awful with lots of rain and a great big wind, so I was only able to get out to play for just a little while and then I had to go back inside 'cos I was getting wet.

It was fine really 'cos I have lots of toys to play with me and my humans always keep me busy when they see I am getting a bit bored but I like it better when I can get out.

I was out late last night and I am afraid I got my DH into trouble when he wakened up this morning. I shall explain.

Last night when my dear old MH went off to bed, me and my DH were still up and she knew I would be going out to play for a while 'cos I always do that late at night, but it was very windy at the window side of my house so I usually go in and out of the door because it is calmer at that side, and the last thing my MH said to himself was 'don't leave the window open'. Simple, eh? Not if you are my DH!

About half past three this morning, there was a great big bang which wakened my MH with a fright. My DH didn't hear anything at all, but I have told you all about that before haven't I?

Well, the poor old dear got up and stumbled through to the kitchen to see what had happened and found that it was the living room door that had slammed shut with a great big bang. And why? 'Cos my DH had left the window open for me and the wind had blowed right into my living room and slammed the door shut and my poor old MH got a great big fright and my DH got a great big telling off, and yours truly just slept on the couch and pretended it had nothing whatsoever to do with me.


Oh, I am very wise, am I not? :-)))

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