Tuesday 28 January 2014

A Bit Better

My day has been a good bit better and I have been able to get out to play lots of times which makes me a happy puss. I have bee in and out a lot today but only for a wee while at a time 'cos it is cold and everywhere is wet so it is not very pleasant. Because it has been raining a lot, all my bits of grass are very wet and because I only have little legs and this wet grass is long, my adorable little tummy gets a bit wet too, and I don't like that very much at all, so that's why I have not been staying out a lot.

BUT! That is causing a problem for my MH because, although I am an exceedingly clever --and adorable!-- puss cat, I have not yet mastered the art of opening windows. So, the poor old dear has to get up and let me out and then a wee while later she has to get up and let me in and then another wee while later------ well, I am sure you have caught my meaning? Now, this is a problem 'cos my MH just has little legs too, although not as little as mine and her tummy doesn't get wet when she runs through the grass. Mind you, I don't think I have ever seen her run through the grass! Oh dear, I am just having a little picture in my mind and it is a very funny one! Sorry, MH! Anyway, until this weather gets better, I think the poor old dear is going to be a bit busy.

We did some housework today and then my humans went out for a while to look after the other little animals and when they came back, me and my MH played on the Wii and I sat very close to my television so that I could catch all the balls that I could see on my screen and this did make her a wee bit annoyed especially as she might have won a lot more if I hadn't done that. Hee hee

I have been sitting on her knee a lot but we have also been playing with my toys and between you and me, I am beginning to like this wind 'cos it means that my MH plays with me even more and I like that a lot! She plays with me whenever I ask and I am afraid that I have been asking rather a lot, but then I am a very energetic little puss and I need lots of exercise, so I think that's just how it is going to be until I can get out more.

And when I do get out--- mouses beware!!

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