Thursday 25 September 2014

A Very Quiet Day

I have no news for you at all because I have been on my own all day as my humans were both away out and it was so windy that my MH had to close the window shutting me in my house with no way to escape. Oh dear.

I did manage a very quick perambulation round my garden before they tootled off in my MH's little car, and when I saw them disappear down the road, I just took to my bed and had a sleep. I was quite happy really 'cos I was lovely and cosy and there was plenty of food left for me so I didn't feel neglected, just a wee bit lonely.

However, my day must have passed fairly quickly 'cos I thought I heard something, so I wandered into my kitchen and there they were, my humans, and they were back to stay with me. I got my big cuddles and then when she was ready, I sat with my MH while she told me all the things she had been doing and that made me very happy.

I don't know if I will go out again tonight because my little weather man friend told me that there will be gales on my island and you all know I don't like the wind, so if he is right, then yours truly will be staying indoors for a while till the wind switches off again.

Oh dear.

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