Tuesday 11 November 2014

Ho Hum

It has not been a very good day on my little island 'cos the naughty wind has come back to torment me and this has meant that I haven't been able to get out to play as much as I wanted, but as usual, my MH helped me get rid of some of my energy and we played together lots of times.

I was watching my television when my little weather man friend came on and he told me that the wind was to stay here for a few days and it might even get worser, so it looks as though I shall be playing with my MH lots more, but that's OK really. Me and my MH like when my little weather man friend tells us the weather after the late news 'cos he always says 'night, night' and we both like that.

I got a wee bit of a surprise today when I was in our spare room helping the old dear with her dusting 'cos we suddenly heard a lot of cow noises and when we looked out of the window we saw the nice farmer man next door taking all his cows home. Well, he doesn't take them into his house, you understand, but he takes them all from the fields and puts them in the byres where they are warm and dry for the winter. I liked watching them and I am sure that one of them smiled at me as she passed my house.

I am a wee bit sad though 'cos I won't be able to go and talk to them any more. They will be in the byre which is quite near my house, but there are doggies there as well and great big tractors and machinery which could hurt an adorable little puss like me, so my MH has told me never to go there 'cos it is not too safe, so I shall be a good little puss and take the old dear's advice, but I shall miss my lady cow friends and I am sure they will miss me too.

My DH isn't going to the Cat Shop tomorrow so he will be with me when my MH goes out, and she has already given him a great big list of jobs that he needs to do for her. I think he would get more of a rest if he was at the shop! Hee hee

Me and my MH are getting ready to settle down on my couch and watch Andy Murray playing tennis and we have everything crossed for him. Well, I will cross everything as soon as I reach my MH's knee 'cos walking would be a tad difficult with my little paws crossed, sure it would? I am quite excited for him and hope he wins his march tonight.

Come on, Andy, we will be cheering for you. :-)))

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