Sunday 23 April 2017

All Better

I had a much better night last night and didn't get locked out again. Mind you, me and my DH got a warning from the Boss before she went to bed. He was told to make sure I was in before he falled asleep and I was told to come home before he got tired or as soon as he called. And we both did as we were told!

It has been a good day for me but not a good day at all for weather 'cos it has been raining and winding and a bit too cold for me although I did go out for a little while when my MH was away seeing our pussy cat friend. She needed a big cuddle when she comed home to me 'cos she was cold and had nearly got blowed off her little feets with the naughty wind. Shame.

We don't know if my DH will be able to go to the Cat Shop tomorrow 'cos my little weather man friend has told us we are going to have gales, so we will need to wait and see, but I will let you know.

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