Sunday 17 September 2017

Tissues Needed

You will have guessed that you are about to hear a very sad story, so make yourself comfortable beside your tissues and maybe some smelling salts for those of you who are of a weak disposition. Don't worry too much 'cos you will have realised that since I am writing this to you, I am still here, but you can worry a wee bit.

I shall tell the story as it happened. OK? Here goes. We were all having a lazy Sunday and I had been in and out my window quite a lot and liking the fact that the weather was behaving and that my MH was just waiting with a big cuddle for me to come home again. So all is well, so far.

My DH had to go down to our Hall to help send lots of things that were left from the jumble sale over to the Cat Shop and it had all to be wrapped up to go on the boat tomorrow. So oft he went in his car to the Hall which tooked him about ten minutes.

About an hour later he phoned my MH to see if I was at home so she went to look and I wasn't and when she asked him why he told her that he thought I was in his car and would she come and see. Oh my dear friends, I don't think I need tell you what she was thinking but she was very, VERY worried. She comed down to the Hall and she could hear me but she couldn't see me. Then she told my DH to open his car bonnet and there I was peeping out at them!

My poor old MH was in tears and I was so, so scared and I didn't know what to do and every time she tried to get a hold of me I jumped away the opposite direction and I think they both thought I would be in his car forever. Oh dear.

My MH then lied down on the road and she talked to me and told me I was a very good puss and would I please like to come out from under the car so that we could all go home and so I made a wee move and she made a dive for me which I am sure would get her a place in any rugby team---and she catched me and cuddled me so tight she nearly choked me. She feeled me all over and we knew that I was OK--just very frightened-- so she keept a great big hold of me and sat in the back of my DH's car so that he could take us both home. She got her little kangaroo later on and bringed it home.

I was very happy to see my house again and I did make the old dear smile when the first thing I did was to have a wee feed and then, after some of my biscuits, I tooked my adorable little self off to bed and slept away all my fright.

They don't know how or why I was in my DH's engine, but I wasn't hurt. It was just a short journey so the car didn't get very warm, but I think I have learned my lesson and I won't do that again.

I am so sorry dear humans and thank you for making me safe again. I have sent you a couple of pictures to prove that I am very fine indeed.

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