Wednesday 25 April 2018

It Had To Come

I was having a very good day just doing pussy cat things and I was a very happy Squeak. My day started off just like all my other Wednesdays with me and my MH sitting on my couch having a chat after my DH went away to the Cat Shop.

The old dear did a wee bit of housework and I wandered all round my garden just sniffing things and listening to the little birdies and that was good but then all the goodness disappeared with the Boss brought out the lawn mower. I knew it was getting near the time for it 'cos I had heard my humans talking about he garden, but I was still a tad annoyed.

She told me she was only going to see if the mower was working but then when she saw it WAS working, she decided just to run round the garden with it and off she went while I watched from a safe distance. Then of course, the strimmer had to come out to finish it all off, but I have to admit that it does look nice.

And the good bit is that all my little ornaments are coming out as soon as we have good weather, so that will be good. I will ask my MH to put a picture on for you so that you will see them. I am quite excited.

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