Wednesday 5 September 2018

So Good

It is still good weather on my little island which makes me very happy especially when it means I can be outside as often as I want and when the weather is as good as it was today, I want outside lots of times. My DH was at the Cat Shop and my MH was in a relaxing mood although she had little bits of work to do, but we started off in my garden cutting the grass so I just wandered around after her making sure she was OK, and she was.

She had to go away from my house for a little time so I tooked the chance to do some pussy cat things until she comed home again and then I sat on her knee while she scratched my lugs and talked to me. That is one of my very favouritist things and it gives me a lovely cosy feeling in my adorable little inside. Sigh.

We had another little wander round my garden so that we could see how lovely she had made it and then when we went back inside, I had a snooze in my wee hoose till my DH comed home and then we all had a chat about our day.

If you can remember the picture of me with my adorable little chin on my MH's cutting out tray, well that's how I look now except my chin is on her laptop but I am just as comfortable and the old dear is very happy. She is not finding it too easy to type, but that matters not a bit 'cos she loves me.


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