Saturday 15 December 2018

Happy Brthday To Me

So, it is finally here and I am now nine years old! It is my birthday and I have had a brilliant day! I have had lots of messages from my friends from all over this world and some from my paw pals as well so that has made me a very happy little puss indeed.

I have had lots of fun with my humans and I did manage outside but just for a very little while because there is a howling gale outside my house and I do not like that at all so I have stayed inside. My poor old MH had to go out last night in all the wind because it was the party for all the little childrens and she had to go all by herself because my DH has the cold and he didn't want to go out. She was so frightened that she might blow away so she asked one of our neighbours to come and help her and she got there and back safely and I gived her a great big cuddle when she comed home to me.

My little weather man friend says it might be better tomorrow so I am hoping to get out to play but I am a very happy little birthday puss, thank you very much.

Happy birthday to me!!!!

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