Sunday 19 February 2012


It was snowing last night and I have been out playing in it today. There wasn't very much, but there are some bits of ice and snow still lying around in my garden, so I have been having good fun.

My MH came outside with me and we played outside for a long time until it got too cold for the old dear, so she went inside and I went hunting to see if I could find any frozen mouses, but I didn't. Sigh!

I played in my bedroom with my MH and I bounced around my house for a long time 'cos I am feeling very fit and very full of beans and mischief today, so I don't know WHAT I will get up to later on. I am in a very good mood.

Today's picture is of me playing in my bedroom with my little mouse and I think it is a beautiful picture of moi. My MH has HUNDREDS of pictures of yours truly and I am only two! I wonder how many she will have when I am THREE!

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