Saturday 3 March 2012

I am Tired

I was up very late last night with all our visitors, but I had such a good time, that I didn't want to go to bed, so I am a wee bit tired this morning.

We had a good time with our visitors, although I wasn't very pleased at the beginning of the night when my blankets were put on the floor, and I gave my MH my best 'you don't expect me to sit on the floor, do you?' look, but I am afraid the answer was yes.

However, when the visitors came in, I was able to sit on a few knees and get petted lots of times which suited me down to the ground, and I made everybody laugh when I rang my wind chimes at my window and my MH jumped up and let me out! I did that lots of times during the night---just to make everybody happy, of course.

Then came the best bit. One of the ladies had brought a big plastic bag and I decided to have an explore, and I ended up inside of it, as usual. Then she started 'pinging' it from the outside and I jumped at her fingers and what a noise the bag made. It was great fun and we played it for ages until I was a bit tired.

I think today will be a very quiet day for us all!

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