Sunday 2 February 2014


You all know that Sunday chez Squeak is a very quiet day. In fact, I would go as far as to say it is a very lazy day, but today has been even lazier 'cos my poor old MH is still a wee bit tired, so we haven't been doing anything very exciting at all.

We were all in bed early last night---even my DH who doesn't usually go to bed early---and we all had a good sleep. Me and my MH got up about half past seven and I decided that I would like a wee bit of breakfast and the old dear duly obliged before we both nipped back to bed for a while.

It is quite windy again on my little island and I don't really feel the need to go out, so I have either been snoozing on my bed, or sitting on my MH's knee while my DH has been watching football and rugby. No doubt, I will be ready for a play later on in the evening and by then my MH will be rested and she will be only too happy to play with me.

So, I don't have anything at all to tell you except that I am still very happy and content and I hope that you are happy and content too.

I like this picture. My MH tooked it a couple of nights ago and she says you can almost see me thinking! It is just a good job that she doesn't know WHAT I am thinking!! Hee hee :-))

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