Monday 1 June 2015

All Alone

Well, as I told you yesterday, I was to be on my own for a long time today as both my humans had to go away on the boat. However, it wasn't too bad as the window could be left open for me and I could nip in and out as often as I wanted.

I played outside for a while, but to be honest, my adorable little heart just isn't in it when I know that there is nobody waiting for me when I go home, so I generally just have a wee sleep till they come back and then I run to meet them and get a great big cuddle. They weren't away too long but I do miss them when they aren't here 'cos I am so used to nipping in the window and then going to find one of my humans for a wee pat or a cuddle or a chat and I know that they like that too.

I spent a lot of time with them when my humans came home and I cuddled in beside the old dear when she had to go and have a wee snooze and it was so lovely. She just lies under the top cover and I get to snuggle under the cover with and I just love it. I coorie in and purr until she goes to sleep and then I have a wee nap too.

It is so lovely, it is almost worth being on my own for!

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