Monday 31 October 2016

A Strange Monday

So. The alarm went off as usual on a Monday morning. My DH got up and got ready to go to the Cat Shop and then me and my MH got up. My MH was looking out of the window and she saw the Hamnavoe sailing into Stromness but she didn't see the Graemsay sailing out as it should have been and just as she was mentioning this to my DH he got a message on his phone to say that the boat was broke and couldn't come to get him! Oh dear, he was not a happy DH 'cos he couldn't get to the shop. Shame. However, my MH found him lots of little jobs to do which made him a wee bit less not happy.

I have had a very quiet day and have been sleeping lots but I have enjoyed my day. It was a bit cool and there was some rain but it didn't keep me in and I was happy getting out to explore and wander whenever I needed to and I only got wet once. I really don't mind getting wet 'cos it always means that one of my humans dries me off and then cuddles me and you know how much I like that.

I was a bit annoyed at the old dear last night 'cos I was lying on her knee watching Poldark and enjoying a little rest, when she snuck up behind me and put the awful wormer stuff on me again. To be honest, I didn't really notice until I smelled it and then I scooted under my couch but, as the old dear mentioned, it was a tad too late then.

Oh, I hate when she is right! Hee hee

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