Friday 28 October 2016

Fantastic Friday

I have had a crackin' day. The weather was awful, but I didn't mind one tiny little bit 'cos my mood was very good and not even a gale or pouring rain could interfere with that!

It was just me and my MH in my house today 'cos my DH had to do something in Stromness and for a while I was concerned that I wouldn't have my usual string fun 'cos our box is too heavy for my MH to carry, but suddenly our door opened and there were our friends N.and M.with our boxes. Yippee!

I waited patiently until all the groceries were away and then I asked if my MH would play with me and of course she did. We played with the string and then I jumped in and out of the boxes and had the brilliantest time ever and I made the old dear laugh which I like.

We played for a while on top of my bed and then a funny thing happened. My MH had been playing with me and tickling me wrapped up in my blanket and then she lied down for a minute and we both falled asleep! I must have tired the poor old soul with all my playing.

It has been very wet, but I have been in and out lots of times but as usual when it is wet, just for little trips and I have liked it lots and lots. I will be going out again before bed time and I think the wind is getting a wee bit quieter so I might stay out for a long time.

Sorry DH!

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