And so the education begins--mine and my humans' and we all seem to be getting used to one another's funny wee ways.
As you know, if you have read my previous posts, I am a VERY early riser, and seemingly before I came here, my mummy human was not. Oh how things have changed.
As she was stumbling about the kitchen this morning at 5am, she could be heard muttering 'I didn't know there were TWO five o'clocks in the day!' So she has learned something already.
Now, my lesson to pass on to the world today is to perfect the 'Who? Me?' look. I have mastered this beautifully even at the tender age of fifteen weeks (and adorable!)
On my window is a lovely wind-chime, which is today's picture, although it is a bit dark because of the snow outside, but you will get the idea I am sure.
Well, said wind-chime hangs down quite low, and I can jump up onto the window sill, and you all know what is coming, don't you? If it is there, I have to hit it, and if I hit it, it chimes and when it chimes my humans yell and when they yell I give them my steely look which says 'Who? Me? Never!'
As soon as they turn away, the whole pantomime begins again, and sometimes if I am quick enough, I can be back on my climbing frame to give them 'the look' and this causes a fair bit of wonderment on their part.
They have been wondering quite a lot in the past two weeks! I just love teasing them.
However, I must paws now for a nap, so till tomorrow.......