I have seen my very first snowball today!
We were all out playing in the garden in the snow and it was fantastic. The weather today has been beautiful and this morning it was quite warm, but the snow was still all over my garden, so my humans put on their wellies and off we went out to play and that's when my DH made me a snowball.
He picked up a big bundle of snow and rolled it into a ball and then he rolled it across the garden to me and it got BIGGER! I stopped it with my little paw but when I leaned on it, the snowball all broke up, so I guess I am a really strong puss cat now.
We played that game a lot and my MH took some pictures of me and I have put one on today to let you see me. Later on, I had a wee snooze and then I nipped out of the window for some more fun in the snow before coming in to play with my MH and all my toys, so it is now time for a pre-dinner nap.
I will probably go outside when it is dark tonight, so I will tell you about that tomorrow.