We have had lots of sunshine and I have been outside all day again and I am loving it. I went out very early and I found a lovely clump of grass where I could lie and hide and watch all the birdies and they couldn't see me, so that was good.
I helped my MH in her gym and then went into the greenhouse with my DH to talk to all our plants. When my MH was finished, she sat outside for a while---I think she was trying to get her breath back----and I sat with her and it was then I discovered something awesome.
In our garden we have a kind of patio and there is a wee pile of stones which make a wall. Well, I decided to have a climb today 'cos I do that lots of times, but today the stones were warm with the sun and I had great fun rolling on top of them. The only problem was, I kept sliding down on to the ground 'cos the pile of stones is on a slope, and this made my MH laugh out loud.
She went away to get her camera but by the time she came back, I had decided to stop and she never got the picture she wanted. Maybe tomorrow.
I went out hunting until late last night and I will do the same tonight. The nights don't get dark just now so it is very easy for me to see all the wee mouses. Mind you, I suppose that makes it easy for them to see me too!
I need Harry Potters invisibility cloak! Oh what fun I could have then.