This is what I saw out of my living room window this afternoon! The nice farmer from next door came round in his great big tractor and lifted all my DH's chips over our fence for him, and my DH helped him---but just a wee bit.
This will save his little legs from working too hard when he is doing the garden. My MH has bought a happy Buddha for the garden when it is all finished, and I have had a wee chat with him already and we are going to get along just fine.
I like when all the ornaments are in my garden in the Spring and Summer 'cos it is something else for me to play with. There is a bird bath at one side, and I have a wee drink out of that every day, and there is a fountain thingy at the other side, and I sometimes paddle in it and have a drink there too, so I have lots of choices.
I was in the garden with my DH today and I helped a lot and then I went into the gym with my MH and watched her as she went on her bike, then I climbed up the wall and this made her laugh.
I like when I make her laugh as it usually means I get a treat when we go inside! I like treats.
The weather is good today so I have been out lots, but I am having a rest just now, as I am intending to go out hunting until it is very late tonight. I was inside too long yesterday, so I need to get rid of all of my energy, and night time is just the time to do it.