Well, if you read my blog yesterday, you will have realised by now that I am not hibernating. I got myself all organised last night for a long snooze until the Spring arrived and I took some biscuits and my favourite toys into my bedroom and left them beside my blanket so that I wouldn't have to go too far for a wee nibble or a play if I wakened up.
I snuggled down beside my MH and had a brilliant sleep, but I wakened up about eight o'clock this morning and there was no rain and no wind and the sun was even shining a wee bit, so I decided I would leave my hibernation for another time, but I ate the biscuits anyway!
We all got up and went about our business, but it was warm enough to leave the door open so I could wander in and out as I pleased and that's the time I like best 'cos I don't miss anything that way. I can see everything that my humans are doing whether they are inside or out.
Me and my DH were in our greenhouse for a long time and it is all ready for the new baby plants to arrive and as usual, yours truly is getting a tomato plant to look after and my DH is even thinking of trying to grow some mushrooms too, so I will get some of those to talk to as well. I just love being in the greenhouse when everything is growing and so does my DH. It makes us both happy.
My MH played with her vacuum cleaner and then took me into the gym with her and we played on the grass when she was finished and I loved that too. I made her laugh a lot when I showed her my 'little lamb' jump. I jumped with all four adorable little feets off the ground and twisted round in the air before I landed again. Perfection! I had a short snooze in the afternoon and then after I had a wee feed, I went out to play for a long time.
I am really glad I didn't hibernate 'cos I have had a very good day. And to crown it all, I got weighed again and my little Wii mii is delighted with me 'cos I am still the same weight as always, so I must be getting enough exercise, 'cos I am certainly getting plenty to eat, but I am so full of energy that I must be using it all up.
Yep, just a perfect day for this adorable little pussy cat. I hope you have had a good day too.
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Monday, 29 April 2013
Monday, Monday
Windy, windy! What a day we have had. We have had rain and wind, then a wee blink of sunshine--for about a minute--then more rain and wind.
I am fed up getting rained on and blowed away every time I go outside. I want to be in my garden or lying on the grass thinking beautiful pussy cat thoughts. Instead I have been running outside to do what I need to do and then running even quicker inside again to lie on my couch where it is NOT raining or blowing a gale!
My MH did her housework as usual and then my DH did something which I thought was very strange. Mind you, there are times when both my humans do very strange things, so I am getting quite used to their little foibles. Anyway, he took the vacuum cleaner outside. I was sitting on the kitchen widow sill and I tried to work out whether he was getting rid of the awful thing (hurrah!) or if he was going to vacuum the grass (why, DH, why?)
So I watched very carefully and discovered he was just emptying it and cleaning all the filters and then he brought it back inside again for my MH to run round the house with (Boo!)
When the housework was all finished, it was time for the exercises and then we went into the gym but I just stayed with my MH for a short time then I went into my house again 'cos I was getting cold. So you can see that I have been in and out a lot today, but I am not as happy as I should be.
I have decided that I am a fair-weather pussy cat. I am seriously considering hibernating until the summer arrives, but that might mean a long, long sleep, knowing our weather.
I shall have to give this some serious consideration, but if you don't hear from me tomorrow, I am well and truly under my duvet dreaming lovely dreams and thinking wonderful thoughts.
I shall think about you.
I am fed up getting rained on and blowed away every time I go outside. I want to be in my garden or lying on the grass thinking beautiful pussy cat thoughts. Instead I have been running outside to do what I need to do and then running even quicker inside again to lie on my couch where it is NOT raining or blowing a gale!
My MH did her housework as usual and then my DH did something which I thought was very strange. Mind you, there are times when both my humans do very strange things, so I am getting quite used to their little foibles. Anyway, he took the vacuum cleaner outside. I was sitting on the kitchen widow sill and I tried to work out whether he was getting rid of the awful thing (hurrah!) or if he was going to vacuum the grass (why, DH, why?)
So I watched very carefully and discovered he was just emptying it and cleaning all the filters and then he brought it back inside again for my MH to run round the house with (Boo!)
When the housework was all finished, it was time for the exercises and then we went into the gym but I just stayed with my MH for a short time then I went into my house again 'cos I was getting cold. So you can see that I have been in and out a lot today, but I am not as happy as I should be.
I have decided that I am a fair-weather pussy cat. I am seriously considering hibernating until the summer arrives, but that might mean a long, long sleep, knowing our weather.
I shall have to give this some serious consideration, but if you don't hear from me tomorrow, I am well and truly under my duvet dreaming lovely dreams and thinking wonderful thoughts.
I shall think about you.
Sunday, 28 April 2013
Don't I look cute?
Here I am sitting on my new bench and I thought you would like to see me. The other one is just an ordinary bench, but I think this one is going to be my favourite. My MH has ordered cushions so I will be very comfortable. She is not going to get a umbrella for it 'cos we might all end up blowing away if the wind gets us, so it is safer without one.
Just after my DH took this picture of yours truly, the rain came on and then there was some hail, so I scooted back into my house very quickly and curled up on my couch beside my MH.
A wee while later my friends M. and S. came to see me and I got lots of cuddles which suited me just fine. After they went away, I snuggled up on my MH's knee and had a big long snooze until dinner time.
The weather is a wee bit better, so I might venture out again tonight. I shall decide later.
Saturday, 27 April 2013
Another New Trick
I am beside myself with excitement today and I have been a VERY energetic pussy cat and full of beans running and jumping and just being adorable, all over my garden.
My humans bought new chairs and a new bench for the garden and they arrived last night, so me and my DH got out all the spanners and screwdrivers and put them together and the Boss was very pleased.
We took them outside today to put them in place and as usual, yours truly got to sit on them first----only as it should be! I liked them and I told my humans that and they were very pleased. My MH said she will get cushions for them and we will be very comfortable.
Since we were all out anyway and since the weather was good my MH decided to play with her window machine so our windows are all sparkling now. Then it was time for me to help her with her exercises and when those were finished, we went into the gym and I watched her for a wee while, but I got a bit fed up and went to play on the grass until she was finished.
She came out soon and we played with the pampas grass and I ran and ran and ran, so by the time I went back into my house, I was bouncing and that's when I learned my new trick.
My MH was sitting on my couch and I was in the kitchen. Now. When my MH is doing her cards, she has a big cutting board on my living room table and she leaves her scissors and tapes there for the next day.
Well, for some reason, known only to my dear little self, I decided to RACE into the living room and jump right up on top of the table. I landed on the board which slid right across the table and me, the board, the scissors, all the papers and all the tapes landed on the floor with a great big CRASH!
WOW! It was just like surfing! The Boss was not best pleased with me and even my best 'would-you-believe-that-wasn't-me' look didn't stop me from getting a great big telling off.
But oh, dear readers, it was worth it. It was SO worth it. Hee hee :)))
Friday, 26 April 2013
Quiet Day
Me and my MH waved my DH off on the boat as he went to Stromness for the day and then we settled down for a day spoiling ourselves.
We like Fridays 'cos it is just us girls and we always have good fun. My MH talks to me all the time no matter what she is doing. In fact, sometimes I nip into my bedroom just to get a wee bit of peace and quiet, but don't tell her that 'cos I really do like it when she chats to me.
Anyway, we started off with a seat and a cuddle on my couch and then I played in the basin while she did her ironing. I had a wee paddle and sprayed some water all over the ironing board and over my MH too which made her jump and then she giggled.
We had a wander round the garden as we fed the birdies and I had a play in the pampas grass and I chased round and round in circles till I am sure my little eyes were rolling in my adorable little head! Hee hee :))
In the afternoon, some of our friends came to see me and as they were talking to my MH I made them jump 'cos I ran along the back of my couch where the lady was sitting and then I jumped on to the back of the chair where the man was sitting and I think I made them both a wee bit nervous, but they did laugh when I was showing off.
I did my MH's exercises with her and I think she is getting better but she hasn't mentioned the circus again so I think that was just a wee joke, so I will unpack my case and put my passport away again. I didn't really fancy it anyway 'cos I just love being on my little island where everybody knows me and loves me and thinks that I am adorable.
Why would I want to move anywhere else? I am the happiest little puss in the world when I am here and my humans love it here too, so I hope we shall stay on my island for ever and ever.
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Much Happier
Yes, I am much happier today. My humans and me have had a good day. My MH did some housework while me and my DH went into the greenhouse and tidied it up. I sit on the chair at the door while my DH does all the work and sometimes I run outside and chase bits of grass and then I go back into the greenhouse for a rest. I love doing that and now that it is nearly summer, I can do it lots and lots of times.
We stayed out for a long time and by the time I was finished helping him my MH had gone into the gym so I went in there to help her 'cos I know she likes when I am with her, and that's when she cheered me up.
I had just nipped out onto the grass for a minute and when I came back in she was putting away her earphones into their little case and I jumped up on to the chair to 'attack' them. I was standing up on my little back legs trying to catch the earphones with my front paws and my MH thought I looked adorable and said that if I could learn some more tricks I could go with her when she runs away to the circus. Yippee!!
I will try to learn some tricks when she is doing her exercises, but I think she might just be kidding when she says we are going to the circus, 'cos what would my DH do without us? He would be really lonely and since he can't do any tricks, he would need to stay here.
No, I think I can rest easy 'cos I am sure we won't be going anywhere. I need to be here to look after all the sheeps and mouses, so after my snooze I will have a word with her 'cos my MH always listens to me and she always does what I ask.
I don't think we will be needing sparkly costumes any time soon.
We stayed out for a long time and by the time I was finished helping him my MH had gone into the gym so I went in there to help her 'cos I know she likes when I am with her, and that's when she cheered me up.
I had just nipped out onto the grass for a minute and when I came back in she was putting away her earphones into their little case and I jumped up on to the chair to 'attack' them. I was standing up on my little back legs trying to catch the earphones with my front paws and my MH thought I looked adorable and said that if I could learn some more tricks I could go with her when she runs away to the circus. Yippee!!
I will try to learn some tricks when she is doing her exercises, but I think she might just be kidding when she says we are going to the circus, 'cos what would my DH do without us? He would be really lonely and since he can't do any tricks, he would need to stay here.
No, I think I can rest easy 'cos I am sure we won't be going anywhere. I need to be here to look after all the sheeps and mouses, so after my snooze I will have a word with her 'cos my MH always listens to me and she always does what I ask.
I don't think we will be needing sparkly costumes any time soon.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Sad Puss
I got a big fright today.
I had been having a good day. Because it is Wednesday, both my humans were out this morning so I just slept until my MH came back. I always run to meet her when I hear her coming in and she picks me up and gives me a special cuddle and I really like this.
After a rest and a chat, we got started on our afternoon routine and this began with me being trainer of the year and putting my MH through her paces.
Question. What is a circus? I ask because my dear old MH says that if she can master one of her exercises in particular she will be able to run away and join a circus! I don't want to ask, 'cos I don't want her to run away. I would miss her terribly and who would feed me and tickle my adorable little tummy? Maybe if I find out which exercise it is, I can make her not do it well and that will be the problem sorted. Brilliant idea, Squeak!
Anyway, all of that went well and while my MH settled down to do some cards, I decided to go outside and it was just when I was coming home, minding my own business and not doing anything naughty, a great big gull swooped at me and gave me the biggest fright of my little life.
Fortunately the window was open and I jumped inside very, very quickly and as soon as my MH saw me she came running over to me and picked me up 'cos she knew something was wrong. I was shaking and squeaking and she knew I was frightened so she held me very, very close and cuddled me and told me everything was alright.
It took a wee while, but I was soon back to normal and the big bad birdie went away. I am resting now but I shall go out again tonight when I am sure that the big bad gull is sleeping.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
A Wee Story
Remember I told you yesterday that when I went out of my window the wind caught me and I was flying? Well, that was a wee fib. I didn't really fly, but the wind DID blow me away a wee bit.
Well, me and my MH were talking about this and she told me that one time when she and my DH were on holiday, she went up in a parachute and she WAS flying! Wow! Respect, MH!!!
They went to Greece and my MH was watching the people up in the parachutes and she decided she wanted to try it, but there was a wee problem 'cos she has a sore back and can't run. So she told this to the parachute man and he said he would just give her a bigger parachute, so off she went. The parachute was towed on a speedboat and my DH -- who isn't as brave as my MH--- went in the boat. He said there was a great big strong rope holding the parachute onto the boat and his little knife couldn't cut it!! The doctor says he should be back to normal soon. Hee hee hee :))). Only joking, MH. I think my MH is SOME lady!! I can't wait to get outside and tell the mouses and sheeps all about her.
I have had a good day doing all sorts of different things and generally just being a happy little pussy cat. After I had helped my MH with her exercises, I nipped under the cover on my bed and I had a snooze and when my DH went into the bedroom all he could see was a wee bump moving up and down and he knew it was me, so he just patted me and went away shaking his head and smiling.
I like when I make my humans smile and laugh and I do it lots. Today's picture is of me pretending I am an ornament and I am just waiting to be dusted. Don't you wish you had an ornament like this? Hee hee :))
Monday, 22 April 2013
Flying High
I have had good fun today and I have been a busy pussy cat too. The weather on my little island hasn't been very good, so me and my humans haven't been out too much, but we have been getting lots of things done and that has made us all happy.
As usual, the awful vacuum cleaner was out 'cos it is Monday and my MH has decided that Monday is housework day, so when the vacuum cleaner arrives out of its cupboard, me and my DH take ourselves off to another room and that's just what we did. We had a wee chat and he tickled my lugs and I purred a lot. I could get to like vacuum cleaning days!
When it is time to dust, I follow my MH round the house and I sit beside her 'cos every now and then, she dusts my adorable little tummy and it makes me giggle 'cos it tickles, but I like it lots. Mind you, the poor old dear usually has to dust wherever I have been again 'cos I sometimes leave my hairs lying around and she doesn't like that. Oops.
When that was all done, I had a snooze while my MH went into the gym and made her little legs do some work and then she came in and asked me to help her with her exercises which I did, but she hasn't made me my trainer's uniform yet. I must remind her 'cos I like to put my whole self into what I am doing and I need to look the part.
I decided to go out for a while and as I jumped off the window sill, the wind caught me and I fly'd and fly'd for miles shouting 'Geronimo'-- in cat-speak, of course! It was brilliant, and I landed right beside a mummy sheep and her baby lamb and they did look a tad surprised to see me, but I just stuck my tail up in the air and walked off as though flying was perfectly normal to us cats!
After I had played for a long time just doing all the things that adorable pussy cats do, I went in and sat beside my MH while she was working on her computer and my DH took this picture of me so that I could show it to you.
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I hope you like it. |
Sunday, 21 April 2013
Not Much to Say
I don't have a lot of news for you today 'cos as usual, we have all been taking it easy and I have been a wee bit lazy. Well, that's what Sundays are for, sure they are?
I was outside having a chat to my little lamb friends and we had good fun, then when I saw my MH coming into my garden, I jumped through the fence and ran to meet her. She told my DH that it looked as though I was diving 'cos my two front paws were up in the air together as I jumped into the fence.
Thought! If I can still get through my fence easily, then I can't be putting weight on, can I? Oh goody, no diet.
I ran about with the little black lambs and they liked that and I was happy too and then my friend S. came to see me and my humans, so I ran to meet her 'cos she always picks me up and gives me a big cuddle which we both like. I played with her for a while and then after she went away, my MH gave me my dinner and I had a sleep on my bed for a while.
I helped my MH do her exercises and she was working hard. She has to do some of them two times a day and these are the ones I help her with and I am sure I make it easier for her just by being there. She tells me that anyway, so it must be true. My MH loves me lots and lots.
I have been playing with my toys again and I pretend that I am a big fierce hunter and today's picture shows me about to spring on to my little red mouse and kill it dead---again.
I love playing with that little mouse, but in case you are worried---it is not real and I don't really kill it. I am just pretending. I am too good a pussy cat to do anything bad.
That's my story and I am sticking to it!!
Saturday, 20 April 2013
Sleepy Puss
I have had a good day today, but I have been a wee bit sleepy. I think it must be all this training that I am doing with my MH.
She still says I am a great help to her and I make it a lot easier for her to do her exercises, so that has made me a very happy puss.
I have been out for a short while but I have spent most of the day lying on my chair just watching and listening to my humans. as they have been doing all their work.
I had a wee look at this picture that my MH took last night and I am thinking I might need to go on a diet! When I was a baby puss, I could get under this table without any trouble at all, but now I have to push a wee bit. I can still get through but it is a tad more difficult, so that may be down to one of two reasons.
Yours truly is either putting on a little weight, although my wee Mii tells me I am still the same weight as I always am, so maybe my DH has lowered the table! I shall have a word with him tonight, but I might just try getting under the table first.
Maybe I was just having a bad day!
She still says I am a great help to her and I make it a lot easier for her to do her exercises, so that has made me a very happy puss.
I have been out for a short while but I have spent most of the day lying on my chair just watching and listening to my humans. as they have been doing all their work.
I had a wee look at this picture that my MH took last night and I am thinking I might need to go on a diet! When I was a baby puss, I could get under this table without any trouble at all, but now I have to push a wee bit. I can still get through but it is a tad more difficult, so that may be down to one of two reasons.
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Not looking my best, am I? |
Yours truly is either putting on a little weight, although my wee Mii tells me I am still the same weight as I always am, so maybe my DH has lowered the table! I shall have a word with him tonight, but I might just try getting under the table first.
Maybe I was just having a bad day!
Friday, 19 April 2013
Busy, busy puss
I have been very busy today doing all sorts of things as well as doing a lot of thinking. I am liking my job as personal trainer to my MH, but I think I will bring a lot more to the position if I am properly attired and so I think I should ask her to make me a pussy cat sized track suit, a baseball cap, some dark glasses and a whistle! I am sure she would take me a lot more seriously then, but I will be interested to hear what you think.
We both did our exercises today and without boasting too much, I was a brilliant help to the old dear and put her through her paces and she was very grateful. She gave me a great big hug which made me very happy.
After that, I nipped in and out a lot and played in the field, but it was quite cold so I didn't stay out too long and when I went in my MH was on her Wii so I lay on my couch and watched her and then it was time to go and feed the birdies.
I like doing this 'cos my MH always plays with me when she has given the birdies their dinner and that's what we did today. We played with the pampas grass and all the little lambs and sheeps came to see me.
At one point I nipped through my fence into the field to get a closer look and one mummy sheeps thought I was her little lamb and wanted to feed me. I might have taken her up on the offer, but I didn't really like where she kept the dinner! I think I prefer mine on a plate!
When I told this to my MH she said that when I was a tiny baby puss, my cat mummy fed me like that, but I don't remember. However, since I am all growed up now, I won't be taking any dinner from the mummy sheeps. Oh yeuk!!!
I am having a rest now, but I shall be going out later on and I am sure that I will be going through the fence to see my little lamb friends.
I will tell you tomorrow how I get on, but I have sent you a wee picture to keep you amused.
We both did our exercises today and without boasting too much, I was a brilliant help to the old dear and put her through her paces and she was very grateful. She gave me a great big hug which made me very happy.
After that, I nipped in and out a lot and played in the field, but it was quite cold so I didn't stay out too long and when I went in my MH was on her Wii so I lay on my couch and watched her and then it was time to go and feed the birdies.
I like doing this 'cos my MH always plays with me when she has given the birdies their dinner and that's what we did today. We played with the pampas grass and all the little lambs and sheeps came to see me.

When I told this to my MH she said that when I was a tiny baby puss, my cat mummy fed me like that, but I don't remember. However, since I am all growed up now, I won't be taking any dinner from the mummy sheeps. Oh yeuk!!!
I am having a rest now, but I shall be going out later on and I am sure that I will be going through the fence to see my little lamb friends.
I will tell you tomorrow how I get on, but I have sent you a wee picture to keep you amused.
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Even Brillianter
You know I told you that I know what green is? Well, I can count too! Yes I can, but only up to ten, but I 'spose that's good for a peedie, adorable puss, sure it is?
Now, I know you will be wondering how I learned to do that? Well. My MH has lots of exercises to do to make her sore back all better and I have decided to become her personal trainer and that involves counting.
So. When I see her wandering into our bedroom, I follow her and when she lies down on the floor, I take up my trainer's position--which is usually on top of her chest----- well, it's only her legs that are doing the work!----- and put her through her paces.
Everything that she does has to be done ten times so she counts out and I purr back at her which is Squeak talk for "come on, MH, you are doing fine" or sometimes it means "come on woman, work harder", 'cos sometimes she groans more than stretches.
So with all this training I have learned to count up to ten. See?
I am beginning to think there is no end to the talents of this adorable little pussy cat.
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
I know what green looks like. I can recognise green, so I think that makes me even extra special clever.
How do I know what green looks like? Well. When my MH decides it is time to get me de-flea'd, she has this wee packet of 'stuff' that I do not like at all and it is green.
She has lots of things beside her chair for herself like handcream and stuff and they are not green so when she lifts them I don't bother at all, but when it is time for THE treatment, she sneaks this green packet into her pocket and waits till I am sitting snoozing on her knee and then she brings it out and tries to put it on me, but it is green and I know I don't like this green thing, so as soon as I see it, I am off. Usually under the bed where my humans can't get to me.
I am not happy at all when she puts it on me and I keep telling her I don't have fleas and she keeps telling me it's 'cos she puts this stuff on me, so I don't think I am ever going to win this argument, but as long as it stays in a green packet, she will have to catch me!
Sometimes I am so clever, I surprise even my adorable little self! :))
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
A Good Day
I have had a good day as both my humans have been at home playing with me which makes me very happy.
I was a wee bit naughty 'cos I wakened my MH quite a few times through the night 'cos I just wanted a cuddle, and some biscuits and somebody to play with. Now that's not too much to ask for, is it? Apparently at half past four in the morning, it is! My MH says she is going to teach me to tell the time, but I think that's one lesson I will NOT be learning!
Anyway, eventually we all got up and that's when the fun started 'cos my humans had bought new electric blankets and today was the day for putting them on the bed, and I had brilliant fun hiding under all the bedclothes and at one point my MH wrapped me up in a sheet and cuddled me and tickled me and I just loved it. It is still my very favourite game.
Then I was a bit worried 'cos my MH did something very strange----even stranger than most of the things she does!
I went into the bedroom to see where she was and she was lying on the floor. Now. Being a very kind and considerate pussy cat, I thought there was something wrong with her and I went right beside her and rubbed my adorable little body against her face and she giggled 'cos it tickled. Then I sniffed at her cheeks and she giggled some more and so when I knew she was all right, I just sat on her chest and looked at her from there. When I asked her what she was doing she said the fizzy-o lady had given her lots of exercises to do and she was trying to do them, so would I please go and sit somewhere else?
As I am exceedingly obedient, I nipped up onto the bed and watched her as she did all the funny stretches and turns and I listened to all the creaks and groans and when she was finished, I nipped back down beside her and gave her a special cuddle and that made her feel a whole lot better.
I was so tired after all that, that I had to have a snooze and my MH took this picture of me just for you.
I hope you like it.
I was a wee bit naughty 'cos I wakened my MH quite a few times through the night 'cos I just wanted a cuddle, and some biscuits and somebody to play with. Now that's not too much to ask for, is it? Apparently at half past four in the morning, it is! My MH says she is going to teach me to tell the time, but I think that's one lesson I will NOT be learning!
Anyway, eventually we all got up and that's when the fun started 'cos my humans had bought new electric blankets and today was the day for putting them on the bed, and I had brilliant fun hiding under all the bedclothes and at one point my MH wrapped me up in a sheet and cuddled me and tickled me and I just loved it. It is still my very favourite game.
Then I was a bit worried 'cos my MH did something very strange----even stranger than most of the things she does!
I went into the bedroom to see where she was and she was lying on the floor. Now. Being a very kind and considerate pussy cat, I thought there was something wrong with her and I went right beside her and rubbed my adorable little body against her face and she giggled 'cos it tickled. Then I sniffed at her cheeks and she giggled some more and so when I knew she was all right, I just sat on her chest and looked at her from there. When I asked her what she was doing she said the fizzy-o lady had given her lots of exercises to do and she was trying to do them, so would I please go and sit somewhere else?
As I am exceedingly obedient, I nipped up onto the bed and watched her as she did all the funny stretches and turns and I listened to all the creaks and groans and when she was finished, I nipped back down beside her and gave her a special cuddle and that made her feel a whole lot better.
I was so tired after all that, that I had to have a snooze and my MH took this picture of me just for you.
I hope you like it.
Monday, 15 April 2013
It was just me and my DH today in my house 'cos my MH had to go away on the early boat to go to Kirkwall and meet her friends.
She had a good time and then she went to see the fizzy-o lady who gave her lots of exercises to do and told her that should help her sore back, so I am very happy. I will help her with her exercises and make sure she does them every day.
Me and my DH stayed inside today 'cos it was too windy for us to go out, but we did lots of housework for the Boss and she was very happy when she came home. She was tired when she came back so me and her had a wee snooze until dinner time and I have spent most of the night sitting on her knee which is my favourite place.
I love my DH but I miss my MH when she is not here 'cos she talks to me all the time and tells me what she is doing and she plays with me lots and lots so sometimes I am a bit lonely when she is not here.
I like it best when they are both here. Then I can keep an eye on them! OH! I nearly forgot to tell you. My MH told me there are seals on my beach and she is going to take some pictures of them to show you. I have never seen them 'cos they would run away if they saw me, so I will just watch the photographs too. Maybe she will get some tomorrow.
She had a good time and then she went to see the fizzy-o lady who gave her lots of exercises to do and told her that should help her sore back, so I am very happy. I will help her with her exercises and make sure she does them every day.
Me and my DH stayed inside today 'cos it was too windy for us to go out, but we did lots of housework for the Boss and she was very happy when she came home. She was tired when she came back so me and her had a wee snooze until dinner time and I have spent most of the night sitting on her knee which is my favourite place.
I love my DH but I miss my MH when she is not here 'cos she talks to me all the time and tells me what she is doing and she plays with me lots and lots so sometimes I am a bit lonely when she is not here.
I like it best when they are both here. Then I can keep an eye on them! OH! I nearly forgot to tell you. My MH told me there are seals on my beach and she is going to take some pictures of them to show you. I have never seen them 'cos they would run away if they saw me, so I will just watch the photographs too. Maybe she will get some tomorrow.
Sunday, 14 April 2013
Another Starring Role
Here I am again starring in my own world wide movie! I was playing in the basin of water and my MH rushed to get her ipod and take this film of me so you can see that I really DO like paddling and if you look very closely, you can see me shake the water off my adorable little paw. This is when it usually lands on my MH giving her a fright!
All is well Chez Squeak and me and my humans have had a good weekend. Something quite funny happened last night when me and my MH were already in bed and my DH was just about to come through.
All the lights went out 'cos it was quite a windy night, so my house was all in darkness. My MH had a torch beside the bed, and just as she got that to go to the living room to get my DH, the lights came on again. That was fine. We went back to bed and my DH sat down to finish reading when the lights went out again! So, same thing all over again---MH, torch, DH, living room.
And guess what? They came on again and just as we were all chuckling, they went off for a third time. My DH decided he would go to bed and not finish his book and just as he was getting HIS torch, they all came on again. So what did my humans do then? Yep. They switched them all off and we all went to sleep, but it was quite funny.
I think they stayed on and they didn't go off today so we have all been fine. My MH has to go to Kirkwall tomorrow 'cos she has to take her hip to the fizzy-o-therapist again to see if it can be fixed. I hope so 'cos I need her to be able to run after me.
So keep your fingers crossed please. Thank you.
All is well Chez Squeak and me and my humans have had a good weekend. Something quite funny happened last night when me and my MH were already in bed and my DH was just about to come through.
All the lights went out 'cos it was quite a windy night, so my house was all in darkness. My MH had a torch beside the bed, and just as she got that to go to the living room to get my DH, the lights came on again. That was fine. We went back to bed and my DH sat down to finish reading when the lights went out again! So, same thing all over again---MH, torch, DH, living room.
And guess what? They came on again and just as we were all chuckling, they went off for a third time. My DH decided he would go to bed and not finish his book and just as he was getting HIS torch, they all came on again. So what did my humans do then? Yep. They switched them all off and we all went to sleep, but it was quite funny.
I think they stayed on and they didn't go off today so we have all been fine. My MH has to go to Kirkwall tomorrow 'cos she has to take her hip to the fizzy-o-therapist again to see if it can be fixed. I hope so 'cos I need her to be able to run after me.
Saturday, 13 April 2013
Happy Happy
We are all happy in our house today and we have all been busy. My MH has finished all her cards and I have asked her to put some on my blog for you and as you all know, my MH always does what I ask her. So here they are. She did four of each one but these are my favourites and I am sure you will like them too.
I am very happy 'cos I have been out playing all day and I did stay out very late last night. In fact it was so late, that my DH had gone to bed and my MH had to get up and let me in. But I was having such a brilliant time, I wanted to stay out longer, but I know the old dears need their sleep so I was a good pussy cat and went home to go to my little bed for a lovely sleep.
My DH is very happy today 'cos he has been getting all his work done and I have been helping him, although he was working with his garden hose and he threatened to scoot water on me so I just ran away and he didn't. I like to paddle in the water but I don't like getting splashed.
My friend J. came over to see me today 'cos he was helping my DH for a wee while but he talked to me and gave me a cuddle and I liked that. I like my friend J. He is going to look after me when my humans are away their holidays in July and I know we will have great fun and my other friend A. might be there too, so I think I might get spoiled again. Oh, I do hope so!
And then my MH is SO, SO happy 'cos she managed to send a video of yours truly all over the world and she is so pleased with herself today because of that.
I am a wee bit confused 'cos I don't understand how I can be playing on my little island and half an hour later people all over the world---in England, in Germany, in Australia and in New Zealand and lots of other places too--- can see me. I am very happy about it, but just a tad confused.
I hope you are all happy and not confused.
I am very happy 'cos I have been out playing all day and I did stay out very late last night. In fact it was so late, that my DH had gone to bed and my MH had to get up and let me in. But I was having such a brilliant time, I wanted to stay out longer, but I know the old dears need their sleep so I was a good pussy cat and went home to go to my little bed for a lovely sleep.
My DH is very happy today 'cos he has been getting all his work done and I have been helping him, although he was working with his garden hose and he threatened to scoot water on me so I just ran away and he didn't. I like to paddle in the water but I don't like getting splashed.
My friend J. came over to see me today 'cos he was helping my DH for a wee while but he talked to me and gave me a cuddle and I liked that. I like my friend J. He is going to look after me when my humans are away their holidays in July and I know we will have great fun and my other friend A. might be there too, so I think I might get spoiled again. Oh, I do hope so!
And then my MH is SO, SO happy 'cos she managed to send a video of yours truly all over the world and she is so pleased with herself today because of that.
I am a wee bit confused 'cos I don't understand how I can be playing on my little island and half an hour later people all over the world---in England, in Germany, in Australia and in New Zealand and lots of other places too--- can see me. I am very happy about it, but just a tad confused.
I hope you are all happy and not confused.
Friday, 12 April 2013
A Beautiful Day
Oh it has been lovely today. Blue skies, sunshine, no wind and a very happy pussy cat. I have been outside nearly all day and I think I might be outside all night.
My MH stayed out with me for hours and she played with me and took lots of pictures of me and it was just the bestest of times that made us both very happy. We watched the birdies and put some food and water out for them so I think they will be happy too.
Now. My MH has a favour to ask you. She has got a new Ipod and was playing with it today and she tooked a video of yours truly which she hopes she has put on my blog today, but since she has never done it before, she doesn't know if she has done it properly. SO. If it has worked and if she has done it right, would you please let her know?
Oh, if it has worked, she will be the happiest MH in the world, and if it hasn't, me and my DH are leaving home, so please try VERY hard to make it work. Hee hee hee. :)))
My MH stayed out with me for hours and she played with me and took lots of pictures of me and it was just the bestest of times that made us both very happy. We watched the birdies and put some food and water out for them so I think they will be happy too.
Now. My MH has a favour to ask you. She has got a new Ipod and was playing with it today and she tooked a video of yours truly which she hopes she has put on my blog today, but since she has never done it before, she doesn't know if she has done it properly. SO. If it has worked and if she has done it right, would you please let her know?
Oh, if it has worked, she will be the happiest MH in the world, and if it hasn't, me and my DH are leaving home, so please try VERY hard to make it work. Hee hee hee. :)))
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Still Quiet
I am still being quite a lazy pussy cat and have been thinking more than doing today. I have only been outside for a wee while 'cos it is still cold, but I did go into the fields to see the baby sheeps.
All the little black sheeps are back in the field beside my house and I just love watching them. Sometimes they all gather together and run round and round the field while the mummy sheeps just stand and watch them. When I was looking at them, one little sheeps came up beside me and did a funny jump right before my eyes, and it gave me a bit of a fright, but then I was OK.
I liked the funny jump and when nobody was looking, I tried it myself and I think I made a good job of it, so maybe tonight I will go into the field and pretend I AM a sheeps and run round the field with them, and I can show them my jump. I am sure they will be impressed.
I have been sitting on my window sill a lot and I like watching all the birdies when they come for a feed and I also like watching the boats as they all sail in front of my house. Sometimes there is a lot for me to see and I get tired watching so I have to have a snooze and then I have to think about where I want to have my siesta.
I have lots of choices. I have the couch--either on the seat or on the back and of course I have my MH's knee which is my favourite place, but sometimes I go into my wee hoose and sometimes I lie on my bed. There are other rooms which I sometimes use but not very often. I just LOVE my bed.
Sometimes, by the time I have decided where to sleep it is time to get up again! Hee hee :)))
All the little black sheeps are back in the field beside my house and I just love watching them. Sometimes they all gather together and run round and round the field while the mummy sheeps just stand and watch them. When I was looking at them, one little sheeps came up beside me and did a funny jump right before my eyes, and it gave me a bit of a fright, but then I was OK.
I liked the funny jump and when nobody was looking, I tried it myself and I think I made a good job of it, so maybe tonight I will go into the field and pretend I AM a sheeps and run round the field with them, and I can show them my jump. I am sure they will be impressed.
I have been sitting on my window sill a lot and I like watching all the birdies when they come for a feed and I also like watching the boats as they all sail in front of my house. Sometimes there is a lot for me to see and I get tired watching so I have to have a snooze and then I have to think about where I want to have my siesta.
I have lots of choices. I have the couch--either on the seat or on the back and of course I have my MH's knee which is my favourite place, but sometimes I go into my wee hoose and sometimes I lie on my bed. There are other rooms which I sometimes use but not very often. I just LOVE my bed.
Sometimes, by the time I have decided where to sleep it is time to get up again! Hee hee :)))
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Just Normal
That's what today has been. Just another normal day and we have all been doing what we usually do on a Wednesday.
My DH goes to the Cat shop and my MH goes out for a wee while in the morning and yours truly has a snooze till she comes home again. Then I sit on her knee while she tells me what she has been doing and she tickles my little lugs and I purr.
Later on in the afternoon we went out to feed the birdies and I went to see if I could find my smell that I found yesterday, but I didn't have much luck. It was cold with a wee drop of snow so I didn't stay out too long and just went back in and sat on my MH's knee again.
She is making another friendship bracelet with lots of threads which just happened to catch my eye and as I tried to catch them with my adorable little paws the Boss told me that she would rather I didn't do that, so I stopped 'cos I am a good little pussy cat! Well, it is either that or the soup pot!
So, I don't really have any news for you today but I am very well and very happy and I hope you are too.
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
All Back to Normal
I am feeling much better now after the trauma of the other morning and I am back to being a very happy pussy cat.
I was so upset when I got locked in the bathroom 'cos I thought my humans didn't love me any more and that would have broken my little heart 'cos I just love them sooooo much, but my MH told me I hadn't been naughty or anything like that. It was just an accident so I am very happy about that and I have nearly forgiven her----although I think I can still manage to get spoiled some more because of all my suffering ;))
I have been sitting on her knee lots and lots today and she has told me nearly a million times (I counted them all--hee hee!) that she loved me and I just purred back at her.
My DH went to Kirkwall today so it was just us girls and at one point we went out to feed the birdies and I heard one of the baby black sheeps crying and I asked my MH had it got locked in the bathroom too? That made her laugh and she said it was probably just hungry and calling for its mummy.
I helped her make some of her cards today and they are looking lovely and I played outside a lot 'cos it has been quite a good day. I found something on the path just outside my gate and it smelled so good that I rolled and rolled in it for ages, but by the time I got into my house the smell had changed and my MH said I was making her eyes nip, so I had to get brushed. I think I smell a bit better now, but I am going outside soon so I shall see if the smell is still there, and guess what I might do?
Yep. I think you got it in one!!!
I was so upset when I got locked in the bathroom 'cos I thought my humans didn't love me any more and that would have broken my little heart 'cos I just love them sooooo much, but my MH told me I hadn't been naughty or anything like that. It was just an accident so I am very happy about that and I have nearly forgiven her----although I think I can still manage to get spoiled some more because of all my suffering ;))
I have been sitting on her knee lots and lots today and she has told me nearly a million times (I counted them all--hee hee!) that she loved me and I just purred back at her.
My DH went to Kirkwall today so it was just us girls and at one point we went out to feed the birdies and I heard one of the baby black sheeps crying and I asked my MH had it got locked in the bathroom too? That made her laugh and she said it was probably just hungry and calling for its mummy.
I helped her make some of her cards today and they are looking lovely and I played outside a lot 'cos it has been quite a good day. I found something on the path just outside my gate and it smelled so good that I rolled and rolled in it for ages, but by the time I got into my house the smell had changed and my MH said I was making her eyes nip, so I had to get brushed. I think I smell a bit better now, but I am going outside soon so I shall see if the smell is still there, and guess what I might do?
Yep. I think you got it in one!!!
Monday, 8 April 2013
Oh woe is me! What a sad pussy cat I have been today. No. Even sadder than that!!
And why? 'Cos I got shut in the bathroom this morning for HOURS!
I know, I know, I KNOW I shouldn't have been there, but I was, and oh boy am I sorry I was.
I shall give you a minute to gather yourself together after that devastating news and then I shall continue. OK?
Well, this morning my MH got up to go to the toilet about half past five and when she left the bedroom, I was still asleep at the foot of our bed, but just as she was leaving the bathroom, I nipped in and she didn't see me, so she shut the door to keep me out, but instead of that, she keept me IN!
I think she must have still been asleep 'cos although I meowed and meowed she didn't hear me, so I was well and truly stuck. Now, I can't tell you what I did in there 'cos my MH doesn't know, but after a while I started clouting the light switch and the shower switch against the wall and by some miracle, it wakened her up.
Normally when this happens, she calls my name and because I know she is wakened and will feed me, I run into the bedroom, but when she called for me this morning I couldn't run to her and that's when she began to think something was not as it should be and finally came looking for me, and this was about two hours later!
Oh I was so upset when she opened the door that I was crying and my MH was so upset she was crying too, but I cuddled in beside her for a while and we both began to feel a bit better. Mind you, all day she has been singing
'Oh dear what can the matter be?
Poor wee Squeak got locked in the lavatory'
But I am decidedly NOT amused! However my day got a bit better and my MH has been trying to make it up to me and she took this picture of me as I was escaping from the top of the big cupboard, so I don't really think I have learnt a lesson. Do you?
And why? 'Cos I got shut in the bathroom this morning for HOURS!
I know, I know, I KNOW I shouldn't have been there, but I was, and oh boy am I sorry I was.
I shall give you a minute to gather yourself together after that devastating news and then I shall continue. OK?
Well, this morning my MH got up to go to the toilet about half past five and when she left the bedroom, I was still asleep at the foot of our bed, but just as she was leaving the bathroom, I nipped in and she didn't see me, so she shut the door to keep me out, but instead of that, she keept me IN!
I think she must have still been asleep 'cos although I meowed and meowed she didn't hear me, so I was well and truly stuck. Now, I can't tell you what I did in there 'cos my MH doesn't know, but after a while I started clouting the light switch and the shower switch against the wall and by some miracle, it wakened her up.
Normally when this happens, she calls my name and because I know she is wakened and will feed me, I run into the bedroom, but when she called for me this morning I couldn't run to her and that's when she began to think something was not as it should be and finally came looking for me, and this was about two hours later!
Oh I was so upset when she opened the door that I was crying and my MH was so upset she was crying too, but I cuddled in beside her for a while and we both began to feel a bit better. Mind you, all day she has been singing
'Oh dear what can the matter be?
Poor wee Squeak got locked in the lavatory'
But I am decidedly NOT amused! However my day got a bit better and my MH has been trying to make it up to me and she took this picture of me as I was escaping from the top of the big cupboard, so I don't really think I have learnt a lesson. Do you?
Sunday, 7 April 2013
I like Sunday 'cos we are all very lazy in my house on a Sunday and I like that. Both of my humans have been at home to pander to my every need. Just as it should be.
I had a long sleep after me and my MH had to get up for a wee while in the middle of the night, but we were soon back in bed dreaming of nice things, and I was dreaming of MICE things! Hee hee
When we all got up, me and my DH went outside 'cos he had some work to do and he likes when I am outside with him to keep him right, and I like having some time to explore and sniff all the different places.
My MH had to go out but only for a very short time and when she came back I was lying on the path waiting for her, so I rolled on to my back so she could tickle my adorable little tummy, which of course she did!
She started to do some more cards when we went in and I hopped up onto the table beside her and watched what she was doing. She talked to me all the time and I purred back and we were both very happy. I decided that I needed a snooze 'cos I had been very good and hadn't moved any of her papers, and being good always makes me tired, so I spent an hour in my wee hoose until my little tummy told me it was empty.
Question. How does it get empty when it's not doing anything? A mystery. Anyway, I let the Boss know of this dilemma and she duly fed me, so now I am sitting on her knee as she is telling you all about me, and I am watching all these words jumping onto her screen and I know that in a wee while you will be seeing them too and that makes me quite excited.
So there we are. I don't know what I will do with the rest of my Sunday but I know it will be brilliant and I hope the rest of your Sunday is brilliant too.
Saturday, 6 April 2013
Home Sweet Home
Ah. It is lovely and quiet Chez Squeak today 'cos the builder man is away and he is not playing with his drill, so we are all resting.
Both my humans are at home and I am the centre of their universe getting claps and cuddles and dinner whenever I feel like it, so I am purring with contentment.
It is still a bit cold but dry and calm, so me and my DH were working outside for a while as he had some work to do before the builder man comes back sometime next week to finish off my house and make us a new path. My MH is going to ask him if she and my DH can put their hand prints in the concrete and she wants me to put an adorable paw print in it too, so that will be exciting.
She has a wee table beside her chair where she keeps all her 'stuff' and she decided to clean it out this morning. My DH says there is so much in it, that one day she will dive into the bottom of it and never be seen again! Hee hee :))
I think that worried her a bit 'cos she decided to get rid of some of the rubbish she had been keeping, but before she started putting things back, I had to have an explore and here I am at my happiest!
I hope you have a happy weekend too.
Both my humans are at home and I am the centre of their universe getting claps and cuddles and dinner whenever I feel like it, so I am purring with contentment.
It is still a bit cold but dry and calm, so me and my DH were working outside for a while as he had some work to do before the builder man comes back sometime next week to finish off my house and make us a new path. My MH is going to ask him if she and my DH can put their hand prints in the concrete and she wants me to put an adorable paw print in it too, so that will be exciting.
She has a wee table beside her chair where she keeps all her 'stuff' and she decided to clean it out this morning. My DH says there is so much in it, that one day she will dive into the bottom of it and never be seen again! Hee hee :))
I think that worried her a bit 'cos she decided to get rid of some of the rubbish she had been keeping, but before she started putting things back, I had to have an explore and here I am at my happiest!
I hope you have a happy weekend too.
Friday, 5 April 2013
More Drills
I was nearly leaving home again this morning, and this time it was for good! But I decided to make sure about things before I thumbed a lift to the pier. Question. Do pussy cats have thumbs?
Anyway. My DH got up very early this morning and came back with another man and before you could say 'Squeak is adorable' the other man pulled a GINORMOUS drill out of his bag!
Now, yours truly is still a bit groggy after my MH's description of her trip to the dentist, and my first thought was that this was the cat dentist and this drill was for yours truly! So. Quick dash into my house to pack a couple of toys and some biscuits and a world map to see where I might run away to, and then I sauntered outside to see what this man and my DH were doing, and I could not believe my adorable little eyes.
The drill was not for me---phew. No, this man was digging a great big hole in the side of my house and all the plaster was lying on the ground. Oh dear, I was worried and a wee bit frightened so I ran back into my house (and hid my suitcase, 'cos I decided not to run away after all) and asked my MH what was happening and why was this man AND my DH knocking down my house.
She gave me a cuddle and rubbed my tummy and told me that they were not knocking it down, they were making it better 'cos there was a big crack in the wall and the man was a builder who had come to fix it. Oh dear friends, I was so, so relieved. I went outside and sat and watched my little birdie friends to make me stop worrying.
But what a noise his big drill made. It was really loud, so I had to go far away down into one of my hiding places to get a wee bit of peace and quiet, but once all the plaster was off and he was putting stuff back on, I went back to my house and kept and eye on them to make sure they did a good job. And they did. Me and my MH were very pleased.
The man will be back next week to finish it all off so I shall tell you all about it when he comes.
Thursday, 4 April 2013
I am a puzzled puss 'cos I was eaves dropping when my humans were talking and I heard my MH tell my DH I was full of beans today, but I haven't had any beans, so where did they come from, and what did they make me do?
Well. The first thing was that I wakened up after a brilliant sleep filled with lots of mouse dreams and decided that I was going to have a full day outside hunting and playing and rolling and running and all the things that an adorable little pussy cat does.
But. Before I could start, I needed to fill up my little tummy, and since I can't do that all by myself, I gently wakened my MH by running over her face.------ Well, I had already tried doing it the gentle way with a little purr and a very gentle rub on her chin, and then I had tried knocking a few things over to waken her up, but it wasn't working. OK. OK. How was I to know it was only half past five in the morning? Oops!
Eventually she surfaced and so I got fed and then nipped out of the window as the poor old dear trotted back to bed. I did feel a wee bit sorry for her, but it soon passed. Hee hee.
I played outside for hours and hours until I was tired and when I went back home my MH was doing some of her housework again, so I gave her a special purr and then curled up for a snooze on my favourite chair.
However, seemingly the beans that I was full of were still working 'cos I gave my MH another big fright when she was in the big cupboard. It is one of my very favourite places so when I heard the door opening I headed straight for it. My MH was getting some towels out and she didn't hear me, but as quick as anything, I jumped up on to the ladder, flew straight over her head and landed with a lovely 'plop' on the top shelf.
Oh dear, I think she almost fainted with fright, but eventually, when she could breath properly again, she did giggle and called me a monkey.
But I am still wondering about these beans. I think I rather like being full of them!
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
You will notice that there are no pictures of yours truly today. I hope you can manage a day without me. Hee hee :))
I asked my MH to take some pictures of the birdies that I have been watching and here they are. There are some little birdies--- I think they are sparrows---- and they were all having a feed. I don't know whether this one was sharing his dinner or stealing some food!
There were some lapwings in the field in front of my house and I like them a lot. They make a funny noise when they are talking to one another. It makes my adorable wee lugs twitch, but I like listening to them.
My MH saw some oyster catchers down at our beach today, but I wasn't there. BUT. Sometimes they make a nest in the field in front of my house and I watch them there. They sometimes lay their eggs where I can see them, but I don't touch them 'cos I know there is a little baby birdie inside it, and I have even seen the baby birdies when they are just born, and I liked that 'cos they were soooo cute.
Then I saw these grey lag geese and they are BIG! I don't think I will play with these birdies 'cos they are nearly as big as me, but they are lovely sure they are?
I hope you like seeing some of my birdies and I will be back again tomorrow.
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Oh Dear
My MH had to go away on the boat today at lunch time , so me and my DH were left to our own devices, but we managed to pass the time quite well working in our greenhouse and tidying up my garden.
I was in and out lots today 'cos I was watching the birdies and I have asked my MH to put some pictures of them on my blog for you and she says she will do that when she gets some good ones. So the early part of my day was fine and I was looking forward to my MH coming home 'cos we always have a special time---just me and her---when she comes back from being away from me, and that's when the 'oh dear' bit comes in.
I sat on her knee and she gave me some special cuddles and then she told me where she had been. She had to go to The Dentist! Now, I didn't know what this was and so she started to tell me what it was like and between you and me, dear reader, I am very sorry I asked.
She said she had to get a filling and then get her teeths polished and I pictured this great big pneumatic drill in her mouth and then a pressure washer and then a vacuum to sook up all the water!! Oh dear (again!) I was definitely beginning to feel very unwell as she was telling me and it was only when I put my adorable little paws into my lugs that my MH noticed my eyes had glazed over and she thought I might need some pussy cat oxygen to bring me round again, but a special cuddle did the trick and she promised me that I would never need to go to that dentist. Phew!
Sometimes I am very glad I am a (adorable!) pussy cat and not a human. Anyway, in order to make sure I was right back to normal, she played with me for a while and we both liked that.
But I keep wondering how big that drill was! Hee hee :))
Monday, 1 April 2013
My New Toy
I have been meaning to show you this for a while, but I keept forgetting to ask my MH to show you my latest toy, but I remembered today, so here it is.
I think it is a doggy. It was on a box of sweeties that my MH's friend brought her from Paris and my DH put it on a stick with some elastic for me, and my humans and me play with it lots. I hope you like it.
I am still having a brilliant time being outside lots 'cos the weather is still very good and I like being outside. Me and my DH escaped while the Boss did all her housework and he laughed as he watched me rolling on my path. Then he went into the big cupboard and I gave him the fright of his life as I jumped on to the stepladder just above his head and that made my MH laugh. She is used to me doing it, 'cos I do it every time she goes into the cupboard, so she doesn't get a fright any more, but my DH did! Hee hee :))
After I had explored outside for a long time, I went inside just in time to see my MH getting the threads ready for another friendship bracelet and of course I had to help her, so I jumped up onto the table and tried to lift the threads with my adorable little claws, but I got shoo'ed off the table very quickly! Sometimes I am just not appreciated.
I went out the window then and sat in the garden listening to the birdies and I saw some oyster catchers and a curlew and I just watched as they walked up and down the field lots of times and then when I was tired watching I nipped in the window and jumped straight into my wee hoose for a snooze.
I will stay there till dinner time and then I will have another nap on my couch before going outside again to see what is happening on my little island.
I am a very busy puss.
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