Friday, 31 May 2013
Fun Time
I am liking this good weather a lot. My humans have been leaving the window open for me all night but although I stay out late, I come in and go to my bed for a sleep 'cos I know my MH would miss me if I wasn't cuddled up beside her and that would never do.
It was just me and my MH today 'cos my DH was over working in the Cats shop, but we had good fun playing in my garden and I chased lots of things while my MH was tidying up outside. It rained for a wee while but not enough to keep me in although my MH was just about to play with her window machine when the rain came on again, so she said we might do that tomorrow if it is dry.
I like it the bestest when we are all outside 'cos I can play and hunt and chase and still keep an eye on the old dears and they are happy knowing I am looking after them so it all works out fine.
My friend M. came in to see me this afternoon and she gave my adorable little lugs a cuddle so I gave her a wee purr and she was very happy.
When she went away, me and the Boss did our exercises, but I stayed away from the bottom just in case I got sat upon! But I was a great help as usual and I made sure that all the exercises were done properly, and then I decided that I had worked hard enough and settled down for a little snooze in my peedie hoose, and this will give me all the energy I need to stay out for a long, long time again tonight.
Oh yes, I am liking this weather a lot, and I hope your weather is good too.
Thursday, 30 May 2013
A Crackin' Day
I have had a super day and I have been outside nearly all the time. The only wee draw back was that my dear MH wasn't home with me 'cos she was away swimming in Stromness so I was left to look after my DH and our greenhouse which I managed very easily.
The sun was shining all day and my garden was lovely and warm so I spent a lot of time lying on my grass and sometimes I even managed to gather up the energy to roll on my back with my adorable little legs in the air.
I took my DH into our greenhouse and we checked all our little plants which are doing very well and then I sat on my DH's chair and watched him as he gave them all a drink and then I played outside again till my MH came home with all the boxes of messages which she got after she had swummed.
She sat me on her knee and told me that her little legs had been so good at doing all their exercises that she thought they might like a wee treat so she took them to the swimming pool. NOW! I know I am only a pussy cat---albeit an adorable one--- but I would have thought it was them that took her! Eh?
I had a play with the empty boxes and the string and then I was so tired that I had a snooze in my wee hoose and I shall probably head out again later on tonight and have another wander round all my happy hunting places.
Oh yes, I am liking this weather lots and I hope it stays like this for a while.
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
A Good Day
I have had a brilliant day. It has been warm and sunny and there hasn't been a vacuum cleaner or a lawn mower in sight, so my garden has been a lovely place for a pussy cat to be.
My humans were away out as usual and I just wandered about my territory just checking out that everything was as it should be and I was in my garden when my MH came home, so I ran to meet her 'cos I know that makes her smile and she called to me and then picked me up and cuddled me and I just purred and purred and purred.
She told me she wasn't going out again 'cos one of my friends wasn't well, so I sat on her knee while she had her lunch and then we went into the bedroom to do 'our' exercises, and that's where I nearly met my end!
I was lying on my bed while the old dear was doing all her hard work, but I decided that I needed a closer look and I sat beside her and watched, but I decided that I still needed to be closer. There is an exercise where my MH lies on the floor and she has to lift her bottom up as high as she can and then slowly put it back on the floor again. You know what is coming, don't you?
When said bottom was up in the air, I nipped under it and was just sitting there minding my own business when it decided to come down again rather quickly and I only just got out of the way in time or I would have been a very flat---but still adorable!---pussy cat.
These exercises should carry a Government health warning! Pussy cats of the world beware! :-)))
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
..... you would think that having been left all alone for two whole days and one whole night, I would be the centre of attention for a long, long time, but you would be wrong! Oh, so wrong.
Yes, I have been cuddled and yes, I have been sitting on knees as often as I want, but I had hoped that today would be given over to making me ecstatically happy and instead of that the vacuum cleaner and the lawn mower both appeared. I was not happy and I made this very clear.
My MH did play with me a lot this morning and I suppose that since it wasn't raining she had to cut the grass, but I still don't like it. At least I could sit on my new bench and watch her so it wasn't too bad really, but they are not getting away that easily! Hee hee
We all went into my greenhouse for a while and I showed my MH my tomato plant and I gave it a wee nudge with my adorable little nose and purred at it and I am sure it shooked its little leaves at me, but I was the only one that saw it.
My DH was making another contraption for putting petrol into his car. My DH is always making contraptions and some of them even work. This one might, we just don't know yet and this is me having a look at it.
Unfortunately, my MH didn't get all of my DH in the picture, but I am in it and I don't suppose you want to see my DH, do you? Hee hee :-))
Monday, 27 May 2013
It's me---Squeak. I am back! I hope you haven't missed me. Oh, I hope you haven't forgotten me! I was only away for a wee while. Well, I wasn't away, but my MH who writes this for me, was away, see?
Anyway, my humans are back again and I am the centre of their universe once more. They went away on Saturday morning to go to a concert in Kirkwall and they didn't come home until Sunday night, but apart from being a wee bit lonely and missing some cuddling and tummy tickling from my MH, I was just fine.
The weather was lovely so they left the window open for me and for the first time in my adorable little life, I was able to go out all through the night whenever I felt like it, and I liked it a lot.
My friend M. came in on Saturday night and Sunday morning and she fed me and gave me a wee drink and chatted to me for a while before going home again. I liked when she came and my little tummy like it even more :-))
And on Saturday afternoon my friend S. came just for a visit and when she arrived I was hiding and although I could see her, she couldn't see me, so I stayed hided until she was really close and then I jumped out beside her and nearly gave her a fright, but I made her laugh. She played with me and the pampas grass and then we sat on my new garden chairs and had a lovely chat and she took this picture of me which I know you will like to see.
It was good fun and on Sunday I just played all by myself until I heard the car coming and I knew my humans were home, so as soon as my MH sat down I took up my rightful place on her knee and I purred and purred as she stroked and tickled me, so I am very happy again.
I hope you are very happy too.
Anyway, my humans are back again and I am the centre of their universe once more. They went away on Saturday morning to go to a concert in Kirkwall and they didn't come home until Sunday night, but apart from being a wee bit lonely and missing some cuddling and tummy tickling from my MH, I was just fine.
The weather was lovely so they left the window open for me and for the first time in my adorable little life, I was able to go out all through the night whenever I felt like it, and I liked it a lot.
My friend M. came in on Saturday night and Sunday morning and she fed me and gave me a wee drink and chatted to me for a while before going home again. I liked when she came and my little tummy like it even more :-))
And on Saturday afternoon my friend S. came just for a visit and when she arrived I was hiding and although I could see her, she couldn't see me, so I stayed hided until she was really close and then I jumped out beside her and nearly gave her a fright, but I made her laugh. She played with me and the pampas grass and then we sat on my new garden chairs and had a lovely chat and she took this picture of me which I know you will like to see.
It was good fun and on Sunday I just played all by myself until I heard the car coming and I knew my humans were home, so as soon as my MH sat down I took up my rightful place on her knee and I purred and purred as she stroked and tickled me, so I am very happy again.
I hope you are very happy too.
Friday, 24 May 2013
---I know you may be thinking that I look sad in this picture, but I'm not really. I am thinking! I am just wondering what I can get up to next.
As I told you, my MH has been home with me all day and I have been spoiled 'cos they are going away tomorrow for two days and I am to be left all alone. It has not been a good time for yours truly 'cos I have been on my own just a tad too much for my liking, and I have informed my humans that I will let them go this time, but in future all this gallivanting has to stop, and I have to become the focus of attention once again. Fortunately, they agreed 'cos I'm not sure what I would have done.
I have been full of energy and since the wind has stopped howling at us, I have been able to get outside to play but when I come in through my window I head straight for my MH and demand some attention which I get.
My little tummy has been tickled so much today it is nearly worn away. I am sure that in a certain light, I can see my dinner through my skin! Hee hee hee.
Anyway, they are going away to Kirkwall tomorrow to go to a concert 'cos this is the Orkney Folk Festival weekend and it is not for pussy cats---not even adorable ones. Sigh :-(
I will be fine though 'cos my MH has asked my friends to come in and make sure my bowls are full of my favourite food and if the weather is good, we can leave the window open, so I shall be tickety boo, and my humans will be home about half past six on Sunday night full of guilt and cuddles!!
So don't be worried when you don't hear from me as I shall be back on your screens on Monday, all being well, but I hope you have a good weekend and that you won't miss me too much. :-)
Thursday, 23 May 2013
Another day on my own. Sigh! My humans went away this morning and I was left all alone, but before you feel too sad for me, I was really OK 'cos the weather was awful with hail, rain and lots of wind, so I was a very happy pussycat all cosied up on my little bed, and they were back again before I had finished all my dreams.
When they came home, I got a very special cuddle from my MH---I think she feels guilty, and I milk it for all it is worth hee hee :)--- and then I sat on her knee as she told me what she had been doing and I got a pleasant surprise 'cos they had been away meeting some of my blog friends and my MH said they spent a lot of the afternoon talking about ME!
They also brought the messages home with them, so after my MH had emptied the box it became my newest toy and I had great fun with it.
I have been assured that at least one of my humans will be at home tomorrow to attend to my every whim and I have a feeling that I will have a lot of whims!!
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Nothing to say
I don't have any news for you today 'cos I haven't been doing anything exciting. In fact, I have hardly been doing anything at all!
As you know by now, both my humans are out on Wednesdays, so I have a snooze on my bed till my MH comes home at lunchtime and she plays with me for a while till she has to go out again.
Sometimes she can leave the window open, but today was very windy and there was even hail at one point, so I wasn't too keen to go out and she just shut the window.
I helped her with her exercises and since I was feeling in a cuddly mood, I sat right up on her shoulder when she was lifting her little legs. That made her laugh and she said she could have been a pirate if I had been a parrot! But she is very glad I am a pussy cat!
In the afternoon I managed a wee wander round my garden but the wind kept trying to lift me up and put me somewhere else, so I waited until it was having a rest and then I nipped up on to my windowsill and went into my house for a sleep on my couch.
I might manage to get outside later on depending on the weather, of course. I am not too keen on Wednesdays, and today has been no exception!
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
A Good Day
I was away out wandering around my estate this morning at half past seven 'cos my dear old MH was up early to go to the dentist and she had to get the boat at half past eight, so I got fed very early.
I was happy 'cos all the fog had gone away and the sun was shining so I spent a long time outside before jumping back in the living room window, and then jumping gently on my DH who was still sleeping. Well. I thought I was jumping gently, but I might have given him just a teeny weeny fright because his little feets were on the floor before his eyes were open! He will be all right though---I think!
I spent most of the morning outside except when I was in our greenhouse with my DH and I had a little chat to my plants and they are doing very well indeed. But, and I am not happy at this at all, I have been barred from one of my very favourite places to do what pussy cats have to do. I shall explain.
Outside my kitchen window is a big box which my DH made so that my humans could grow pansies in and he fills it with lovely soft compost which is just beautiful for using when I need to attend to a call of nature, so I am afraid that not many of the plants have survived.
So, yesterday the box reappeared and it was filled with lovely soil and I was getting quite excited, but when I went to-- ahem-- settle down (blush) I noticed that my DH had put a cage over the top! So it is now Squeak-proof and Squeak is not at all happy!!
I think tomorrow's jump on top of my DH will not be a gentle one! Hee hee :) However, I got a pleasant surprise when my MH arrived back at lunch time and I was so excited that I had a wee roll on my path before I told her what my DH had done, but I am afraid she agreed with him, so it might be two big jumps in the morning!
We had a good afternoon together and she told me all she had been doing as I sat on her knee and purred.
So, all in all, it has been a good day and I hope you have had a good day too.
Monday, 20 May 2013
.... if I tell you that today's picture was taken yesterday, you will probably work out that all the good weather has gone away! Boo
I wakened up this morning and my little world was all white and everybody else had disappeared and all I could hear---apart from the snoring of my humans!--- was the horns of the boats as they went in and out of Stromness harbour. All the sunshine had gone away and we just has fog. I was not happy!
However, I decided that I would go outside and I got a surprise 'cos it was still quite warm so I had a long play before I went back inside.
I think I upset my DH last night 'cos I stayed out very late and I still wasn't in when he wanted to go to bed. Now, I have told you that when he wants to try and attract my MH's attention when she is sleeping, he sighs a lot. Well, he did that last night but she didn't hear him. Well (again) that is a wee fib, 'cos she told me today that she DID hear him, but she just ignored him! Poor DH hee hee
Anyway, just as she decided to waken up and he decided to go to bed, yours truly decided to pop in the window, so we all settled down for a good night's sleep.
I haven't been too upset at not getting out too much today 'cos I am still a wee bit tired after last night, but I am sure that once I have had my dinner and a snooze on my couch, I shall be fully refreshed and ready to attack the outside soon.
I shall tell you all about my adventure tomorrow.
Sunday, 19 May 2013
What a brilliant day! The sun has been shining and it has been warm and I have been outside nearly all day and I have had a brilliant time.
Me and my MH were up quite early and after our breakfast we went outside 'cos the weather was lovely. We had a wander round our estate :) and then I saw her feel the grass. Now, this is not some odd habit she has, but it means she is thinking about getting the awful mower out and she needs to see if the grass is dry enough and sadly, it was.
So, out came the mower and it and my MH's little legs ran round and round my garden while I lay and watched her---but I did purr encouragement! Then when she was finished, we sat on the bench and admired all her handiwork, and I must say it did look lovely.
While we were out in the garden we noticed that the gigantic crane that has been in Stromness was being taken away, so my MH took this picture of it for you and you can see lots of boats sailing with it. The little pilot boat was there too, and before you ask, this is not a boat for wee airmen! It guides the big boats who haven't been here a lot in and out of the harbour so they don't bump into anything---especially my little island.
Later in the afternoon, my two friends M. and S. came in to see me and they made a big fuss of me and then they watched a film on my television so I just lay on my couch and had a great big sleep which will build up my energy levels for when I go out tonight and if this weather stays good, I shall be out for hours and hours.
Oh, I am quite excited about that!
Saturday, 18 May 2013
Still Busy
We have all been very busy today and we have all been doing different things which has been good fun.
The builder man has finished all his work and so he took all his tools and things away so me and my MH went into the gym and tidied it all up and then we washed the floor so it is all ready for her to start her exercises again.
Then it was into the greenhouse with my DH who was putting our tomatoes and peppers into the big grow bags and he let me choose a tomato and pepper to look after again. I just love doing that and every day I go in and give them a wee purr and I am sure that makes them happy so that they grow quicker.
I have got another boat picture for you today. This is one that goes past my window lots of times and it takes the big snake with it. It is working with the tidal power people and I see this boat a lot. My MH says that if they ever run out of wind and tide power, they can use me 'cos some days I have enough energy to light all the houses on my little island! I am just a wee bit worried how they might plug me in! Hee hee :-)))
After all our work was done, I went outside to do pussy cat things and I was out for a long, long time even though it was quite windy but I found a wee sheltered place to hide in and I was very happy.
I hope you are having a happy weekend too.
Friday, 17 May 2013
I thought I would show some of the boats that I can see from my house so that you can see what I look at when I am sitting on my living room window sill.
The big boat you can see in this picture is the Hamnavoe and she takes people from Stromness to Scrabster in the north of Scotland when they are going away, or as folk say in Orkney 'going Sooth'. The nice building to the right of the boat is the new Stromness primary school and my little friends from the island go there every day and the little boat you can see is the one that comes to my island every day and sometimes two or three times a day. This is called the MVGraemsay and it was built in 1996.
Before then, there was a littler boat which came just three days a week but when the new boat came there was only one pupil in my MH's school so he had to go to Stromness Primary and my MH became retired and got ready to look after me although I wasn't even thinked about then.
This is the boat that brought me to my little island and I have to go on it, in my cage, when I have to go to the v-e-t. Yeukk! It is a lovely boat and my humans like being on it. It brings all my food and all the things that my humans need to look after me---and things for them too, of course! We wouldn't be able to stay on our little island if we didn't have a boat like this and that would be an awful shame.
The Hamnavoe is broken just now and is away to the boat doctor but it will be back soon, but the boat in this picture is the one that brings all the things that we need in Orkney, but I don't know what it is called.
I will tell you lots more about some of the boats I can see 'cos there are lots of different ones.
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This picture doesn't need any explanation! |
Thursday, 16 May 2013
Paw Pals and Boats
Now, you all know that I am unique pussy cat, but what you might not know that me, my MH and my friend J. started a paw pal club and lots and LOTS of pussy cats write to me and I write back and I just love it.
I now know lots of things that I didn't know before about other pussy cats who don't live on a little island like me and I tell them about all the things I do, so we all have learned a lot.
One of my paw pal friends asked me about the boats that I can see and I thought I would tell you all about them too. So, I have asked my dear old MH to polish her camera and start taking lots of pictures of all the boats we can see and then I can show them to you. I know you will like that.
But today's pictures are of me---naturally! :-)-- and my garden outside the kitchen. It's got lots of flowers and ornaments for me to have a sniff at and it also has a bench and two chairs and a table that I can sit on when I need a wee rest. And I let my humans use them too when they need to!
When I was outside today I noticed that some of the swallows had come back to my little island and they make a nest in a shed beside my house which is fine, but when they get bigger, they dive-bomb me when I am in my garden minding my own business, and I do not like this at all, so I hope they won't do it this year.
When I told my MH that I had seen one, she took out her camera and guess what she saw? Yes, a swallow and I think it stayed still enough in the air to get its picture taken so I thought you might like to see that too.
I hope you like it.
I now know lots of things that I didn't know before about other pussy cats who don't live on a little island like me and I tell them about all the things I do, so we all have learned a lot.
One of my paw pal friends asked me about the boats that I can see and I thought I would tell you all about them too. So, I have asked my dear old MH to polish her camera and start taking lots of pictures of all the boats we can see and then I can show them to you. I know you will like that.
But today's pictures are of me---naturally! :-)-- and my garden outside the kitchen. It's got lots of flowers and ornaments for me to have a sniff at and it also has a bench and two chairs and a table that I can sit on when I need a wee rest. And I let my humans use them too when they need to!
When I was outside today I noticed that some of the swallows had come back to my little island and they make a nest in a shed beside my house which is fine, but when they get bigger, they dive-bomb me when I am in my garden minding my own business, and I do not like this at all, so I hope they won't do it this year.
When I told my MH that I had seen one, she took out her camera and guess what she saw? Yes, a swallow and I think it stayed still enough in the air to get its picture taken so I thought you might like to see that too.
I hope you like it.
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
I am beginning to not like Wednesdays. It used to be OK 'cos my DH was away for the whole day, and my MH was out but just for a wee while and then she would come back to my house and play with me and talk to me and tell me what she had been doing, but now she has started meeting the other ladies to do craft work and she is away for HOURS!
I am OK on my own. As I have told you lots of times, the window is usually left open for me unless the wind is blowing my curtains off their rails and shifting my furniture, and there is always lots of food and water left for me, but I am a 'people' cat and I love company and I sometimes get a bit lonely when my humans are not here, and it looks as though they are not going to be here on Wednesdays! Sigh :-(
Anyway, I had a snooze and then my MH came home and I sat on her knee while she stroked my adorable little lugs and told me what she had been doing and I was very happy. She let me help her with her exercises and then we waited for my DH to come home and then we were all together and that's what I like the best.
It was a bit wet so we didn't go outside but I will ask my MH to take some pictures of my garden at the kitchen side of my house so that you can see that too. I like my gardens. There are lots of things for me to sniff and even some things for me to climb on to and that helps use up all my energy.
I get lots of good food and that gives me lots of energy so when I am outside I run and run and attack the grass and the flies and anything else I can find and I do this until I get tired and then I come home for a snooze.
Phew! What a busy puss I am, am I not? I think I deserve a little cat nap, don't you? :-)
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
My MH was right again! Oh dear, there will be no living with the woman now.
I was sad 'cos she wouldn't let the little sheeps come in to my house and she explained that they might make a mess of my carpets and so when I told her that they could use my litter tray, she told me that they wouldn't do that. And when she told me what they DID do, I was very glad she hadn't let them in. What a mess there could have been. Oops!
I have been much happier today 'cos I have been very busy helping both my humans. Me and my DH have been outside planting all the little flowers and plants that they brought home from Kirkwall yesterday and my garden is looking really nice now.
I have sent you two pictures of the front of my house and maybe the next time I will send you some of the other side 'cos it is nice too. We put out some pansies and begonias and petunias and every time my MH came out to see us, she started to sing 'I'm a lonely little petunia in an onion patch', but I still can't find the onions. I might have to ask, but I'll have another look first.
When I had done all that, I helped my MH with her exercises 'cos the fizzy-o lady says she has to keep doing them and that I have been a great help to her, so I will need to keep her working hard, but she likes me helping.
After all my hard work, I think I deserved a little nap after my dinner.
I will go outside later on and talk to all my little plants and see how they are getting on. I shall keep you informed.
Monday, 13 May 2013
Oh Dear
I nearly had visitors last night but my humans wouldn't let them in. Now, isn't that sad? Before you start thinking that my humans were being rude, I need to tell you that my visitors were sheeps!
My DH was in my kitchen looking out of the window and there in my garden was a mummy sheep and her two little babies and I am sure they were coming to see me. He told my MH and she said she didn't want them to make a mess of her new cut grass so she told him to go and shoo them away.
That made me sad 'cos I wanted them to come in to my house so that I could show them my toys, but that was met with a definite 'No way, Squeak!' ----- and I don't need to tell you who said that! So I jumped up on to my couch and had a wee sulk.
I have been on my own today as my humans were away to Kirkwall and my MH said that the fizzy-o lady was pleased with her, so my MH was pleased when she came home and I got an extra special big cuddle which I loved.
Maybe I will sit on her knee and if I give her lots of cuddles and my very special purrs, she will let the little sheeps come in tomorrow. Maybe?
Sunday, 12 May 2013
Normal Day
I have had a normal Sunday which I like. Both my humans have been at home and this morning the weather was good so we were all outside for a long time.
My DH put out all the ornaments in my garden and he brought the fountain jug out too and switched it on, so there was running water for me to play with. My humans laugh at me when I stick my adorable little paws in the water and then I lick the water off them again. It always makes them giggle.
I stayed outside with my DH nearly all afternoon until my MH's friend came over to play on the Wii so I lay on the couch and watched them for a while. My MH is getting really quite good at some of the games and I think she was showing off a bit. I cuddled up to M. to tell her not to worry that my MH was beating her and she liked that.
When she was going away we noticed that the rain was on and so I have spent the rest of the evening lying on my couch just waiting for it to go off again so that I can get back out to play.
My little weather man friend said that we might get gales tomorrow and maybe even snow! Please, Sean, let us have some better weather. It is not time for snow! My humans are going back into Kirkwall tomorrow 'cos my MH has to see the fizzy-o-therapist again but she says she is not going if it is too windy, so I might be tempted to do my little wind dance and keep my humans at home.
I shall have a think as I sleep.
My DH put out all the ornaments in my garden and he brought the fountain jug out too and switched it on, so there was running water for me to play with. My humans laugh at me when I stick my adorable little paws in the water and then I lick the water off them again. It always makes them giggle.
I stayed outside with my DH nearly all afternoon until my MH's friend came over to play on the Wii so I lay on the couch and watched them for a while. My MH is getting really quite good at some of the games and I think she was showing off a bit. I cuddled up to M. to tell her not to worry that my MH was beating her and she liked that.
When she was going away we noticed that the rain was on and so I have spent the rest of the evening lying on my couch just waiting for it to go off again so that I can get back out to play.
My little weather man friend said that we might get gales tomorrow and maybe even snow! Please, Sean, let us have some better weather. It is not time for snow! My humans are going back into Kirkwall tomorrow 'cos my MH has to see the fizzy-o-therapist again but she says she is not going if it is too windy, so I might be tempted to do my little wind dance and keep my humans at home.
I shall have a think as I sleep.
Saturday, 11 May 2013
No News
I can't tell you anything at all today 'cos I have been left on my own for a long time. :-(
Both of my humans went away to Kirkwall at ten o'clock and didn't come back until six o'clock. I was perfectly all right 'cos the window was open for me and there was plenty of food and water in my dishes, but I do miss them when they are away. My MH talks to me all the time and she cuddles me and tickles me when I need it, so my little tummy missed her too.
I know right away in the morning if they are going away 'cos they wear different clothes when they go into Stromness or Kirkwall. The people on my island talk about them as being their 'toon claes' (town clothes). So when they put on their toon claes, I know I am going to be a wee bit lonely.
I played in my garden and just waited for them to come home and as soon as they came into my house, I demanded my dinner which I got immediately and once my adorable little tummy was filled it decided it wanted tickled, so I sat on my MH's knee and she stroked me and told me all the things she had been doing, so I am back to being a contented little pussy cat again.
I hope you are contented too.
Friday, 10 May 2013
Good Fun
So, it's another Friday. Himself is away to Stromness to the Cat's shop and it is just me and the Boss and not a lot to do except chill out and relax and I like that. Those are the two things I excel at!
My MH had some ironing to do and she made some of my DH's favourite buns and then we had a wee natter with one of our friends when he brought the messages up for us. I made him a wee bit nervous though 'cos he was sitting on the chair at the window and I jumped up on the arm and then onto the back 'cos I wanted a look out of the window and this made him jump and he nearly spilled his coffee! I didn't laugh at him---honest!
When he went away, we went into the bedroom so my MH could do her exercises and as usual I helped and she appreciated it. While her wee legs were doing all their work, I sat on her chest and peered into her eyes and at one point I licked her ear and this made her giggle a lot.
We had a wee rest then before we went into the gym and when we came out she gathered up some of the loose grass that was lying about and I had great fun running and chasing the bits of grass that she threw down for me. I runned and runned and runned until my little legs were tired so I had to go in and lie on my couch for a rest.
I am beginning to think that the lawn mower might not be all bad after all. But I will not be telling my MH about that!
Thursday, 9 May 2013
I Hate Machines!
You know I hate machines. And what came out today? Yes---machines!! Aaargh!
First of all it was the Hoover. Well, I know that if I lie up on the back of my couch then the vacuum cleaner can't reach me, so I am getting used to that one. I watched the Boss as she ran round the house sooking up all the dust with the vacuum and then she gave me a cuddle and I watched her as she threw the duster all over the furniture until my house was sparkling.
Now, I should have known that all this energy would probably lead to something else and it did. I was lying on my couch minding my own business and dreaming of mouses when I heard the awful words----lawn mower --- and I could feel the panic starting.
So. I did what I have done before. I did my little 'don't let the machine start' dance and guess what? It worked again!! Yippee. When my humans tried to start it, the machine just spluttered and stopped. I am afraid I spluttered too, but it was with amazement that I managed to do it again. What a clever Squeak.
However, I was very quickly a sad puss again 'cos I was betrayed. Yes, betrayed by someone I thought was my friend. Someone who cuddles me and tells me she loves me and calls me her ickle-wickle. I don't need to name names do I? 'Cos I will if I have to!!
She gave my humans HER lawn mower, and so all my hard work was for nothing and I spent the next hour avoiding another dreadful machine. I must admit though, that when the grass was all cut, my garden looked nice and I liked lying on the new soft grass.
After I had rolled on the grass I went and rolled on my new path and I asked my MH to let you see me on the path and that's what this picture is.
I hope you like it. I know you will like me, but I think you will like my new path too.
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
A Lonely Day
My humans were both away today for a long, long time and I was all alone---although not really 'cos there were two workmen in my garden, but I didn't know them well enough to ask them to play with me.
My DH was away to the Cat's shop and my poor old MH had to go to the dentist, but she said it was fine and not sore, so I was very happy about that. I don't really mind being on my own 'cos there is always plenty for me to do and see on my little island and the window was left open for me so I could get out to play whenever I wanted to.
Remember a long time ago I told you that my DH's builder friend was making us a new path? Well he brought it with him today and he put it down and it is lovely. The old one was all breaking up with all the frost, but this one is brand new and I like it a lot.
The only thing that upset me is that I didn't get to put an adorable little paw print in it. :( Just as it was finished and the builder man was making it all smooth with his path making iron, I asked him if I could put my paw on it, but he said he would need to ask my MH and she wasn't here. I told him it would be fine, but he wouldn't let me. Maybe he is frightened of what my MH would do to him. Hee hee
Anyway, the path is done and it is paw-less which is a shame. I just went and played on the grass while they were working and I made them smile with my funny jumps and the way I wriggled my adorable little bum before I pounced and killed the fiercest bit of grass you have ever seen!
I think they would have liked to take me home with them but I could never leave my little island or my beloved humans 'cos I love them loads and I know they love me too.
What else could I ask for?
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
I'm Tired
I have been such a busy pussy cat today and now I am very tired and I am enjoying a little rest on my couch before I go out to play later on---if I have the energy.
Now, I know you will be wondering what I have been up to that has made me so tired, but when I tell you, it probably won't sound a lot, but to a little animal like me, it is------ a big lot!
I wakened very early this morning---about six o'clock and I was full of energy, so I very gently wakened my MH and asked her to please give me a wee feed 'cos I wanted to go outside, and, being a very obedient MH, she did just that. I think she works on a battery in the morning 'cos her eyes don't open and she goes straight to my cupboard, opens my packet of food and puts it in my dish and then goes straight back to bed and she does it all like a robot, not like my MH at all. It does make me giggle, but she never sees me!
It was a good morning so I stayed out for a long, long time and I ran in the long grass and chased everything I could see and I even imagined I was chasing and killing great big fierce animals and it was just the brilliantest fun ever. Even the little birdies stopped and watched me and I think they like seeing what I was doing.
When I went back in, my humans were up and it was my REAL MH who was there and I heard them mentioning the awful lawn mower word. It appears that it is that time of year again when the lawn mower needs to be out, but I was in such a good mood this morning that I didn't want anything to spoil it, so I did my little rain dance. Well, it has been quite a while since I did this, and I must be a bit rusty 'cos I missed out a few steps and I didn't make rain, but I did make a lot of mist and that made the grass wet so the lawn mower stayed in the shed. Yippee! I apologise to everyone living in Orkney and Shetland 'cos I seem to have been a bit over enthusiastic with my dance and my little weather man friend said on the news tonight that it had been very foggy all over Orkney and Shetland. Oops! I don't think I should tell him it was me, eh?
I stayed out all afternoon and played and hunted and ran and jumped and I have just had a fantastic time, but when I came home for my dinner, I suddenly got tired and I had to have a big long snooze.
The mist has finally gone and the sun is shining so after I am well and truly rested I shall go outside again and my MH says she will leave the window open for me to come home whenever I feel like it.
Oh I am such a happy and such a lucky pussy cat. I am sure I will have a magic evening and I will keep all the birdies and mouses amused for hours and hours.
Monday, 6 May 2013
Cuddle Time
My MH was away to Kirkwall today and as usual left me and my DH a big list of things to do which we completed to perfection!
I was in and out of my house a lot today 'cos I have been looking at new hiding places for the summer so I needed to do quite a lot of research and that involved finding the right spot, lying down on it and working out if I could see everything that I wanted to see. I think this project will take a few days, but I have the time and the patience. Just part of the package that is 'Squeak'.
I was outside when the Boss arrived home, so I jumped in through my living room window and raced through to the kitchen just in time to see her come through the door. I got a great big cuddle and a tummy tickle and I gave her my special purr which she loves.
Now 'cos my MH had to be up early and 'cos she had to walk a lot today, she was tired when she came home and her wee legs were sore so she decided to have a rest before our dinner and I went with her and cuddled right up close to her and purred till she went to sleep and she loved that.
Later on, I went out to play and I was out for a long, long time and my humans were a wee bit anxious about me especially as it was raining, so my DH was sent out to look for me and just as he was searching, my MH looked out of the window and saw me lying under my pampas grass all nice and dry and cosy. Pity she hadn't done this before she sent the poor old soul out in the rain!
Then came one of the best bits of my day 'cos my MH went on to her computer and there was a message for me from all my paw-pals and I got really excited when she was telling me all about these pussy cats----and there are LOTS of them---- who live very, very far away, but write to me and let me know what they get up to.
I love hearing all about them and they like my stories too, so I am a very happy pussy cat tonight, and I hope you are happy too.
Sunday, 5 May 2013
Not Doing Much
I have been quite happily just doing very little today and my humans have been the same.
We did a wee bit of tidying up in our greenhouse and I helped my DH water our peppers but there is still nothing for me to play with yet. I am looking forward to getting my tomatoes and mushrooms. I will tell you as soon as they arrive.
I made sure my DH was OK and then I took my MH into the gym where she did some walking on her big machine and I did a lot of sniffing. I played with my own special bit of pampas grass, but I have taken all the feathers off it, so I suppose it is now just a pampas stick! Hee hee.
Later on, we played on the grass when she was finished her walking and I ran round my garden showing off a wee bit and then I had a wee rest and a big think. I was just wondering what mischief I could get up to without getting into too much trouble and my MH says you can almost hear my wheels turning in this picture.
Question. Where are my wheels? I have looked and looked but I can't see any. I shall have to admit defeat and ask the wise one! Hee hee :))
My friend S. came to see me again and I liked that 'cos she always lifts me up and tickles me, but I made her laugh when I sniffed at all her fingers 'cos I could smell her pussy cat. I sniffed for a long time and I wouldn't let her get her hand back until I was well and truly finished. She nearly couldn't drink her coffee or eat her cake and those of you who know my friend will know that you take your life in your hands if you come between her and cake or chocolate, so I suppose I am quite lucky to be able to tell you my story.
I am sure I will have lots more to tell you soon.
We did a wee bit of tidying up in our greenhouse and I helped my DH water our peppers but there is still nothing for me to play with yet. I am looking forward to getting my tomatoes and mushrooms. I will tell you as soon as they arrive.
I made sure my DH was OK and then I took my MH into the gym where she did some walking on her big machine and I did a lot of sniffing. I played with my own special bit of pampas grass, but I have taken all the feathers off it, so I suppose it is now just a pampas stick! Hee hee.
Later on, we played on the grass when she was finished her walking and I ran round my garden showing off a wee bit and then I had a wee rest and a big think. I was just wondering what mischief I could get up to without getting into too much trouble and my MH says you can almost hear my wheels turning in this picture.
Question. Where are my wheels? I have looked and looked but I can't see any. I shall have to admit defeat and ask the wise one! Hee hee :))
My friend S. came to see me again and I liked that 'cos she always lifts me up and tickles me, but I made her laugh when I sniffed at all her fingers 'cos I could smell her pussy cat. I sniffed for a long time and I wouldn't let her get her hand back until I was well and truly finished. She nearly couldn't drink her coffee or eat her cake and those of you who know my friend will know that you take your life in your hands if you come between her and cake or chocolate, so I suppose I am quite lucky to be able to tell you my story.
I am sure I will have lots more to tell you soon.
Saturday, 4 May 2013
I am still doing my ladder training just in case I get the call from the Fire Brigade to say they would love to have a pussy cat mascot.
Because the weather is back to being not very nice again, my DH brought the ladder back inside and put it in my big cupboard, so I have been running up and down it until my adorable little paws are quite sore. I will soon have as many muscles on my little legs as my MH does! The poor old dear is still doing her exercises and some of them mean that she has to lift her leg off the bed and hold it in mid-air for what seems forever, and I don't think I helped much when I tried to sit on the leg as it was dangling just above the bed. I did think my MH spoke to me in a very funny voice as she told me to get off! I was only trying to help. :(
We went into the gym for a while and again I had a good wee giggle 'cos just as we turned the corner at the house, the wind saw us coming and blowed really, really hard and my MH took off over the grass at a great speed of knots, I can tell you. I stayed where I was 'cos I am a bit nearer the ground than she is and I have four little feets where she only has two and that makes a great big difference. But oh boy, she did look funny, but I made sure she didn't see me smiling. That would have been unkind! :))))
When she had finished we played on the grass 'cos the wind was away tormenting somebody else but it was quite cold, so after I had posed for this picture, I went back inside to play on my ladder and then to have a snooze on my couch.
I like my weekends and I hope you like yours too.
Friday, 3 May 2013
Down to Earth
I have had a fairly normal day today and my four little feets have stayed firmly on the ground 'cos my DH has moved the ladder, so I can only climb up the clothes poles.
When I was telling all my little mouse friends about me being up the ladder, I had a brilliant idea. Mind you, I think ALL my ideas are brilliant! Anyway, I am going to write to the fire station in Stromness to see if they want a pussycat mascot and I could climb ladders every day! Isn't that brilliant? I might even get a wee uniform and a hat with space for my adorable little lugs to stick through. I can picture it already and oh dear reader, I do look rather fetching.
It was just me and my MH in my house today 'cos my DH was away helping out at the Cat's shop, so we did lots of things together which we both like. We didn't go into the gym but we did the rest of her exercises and then we played for a while in the garden and I sat on the benches 'cos I still like them.
I ran round and round and I pounced on all the daisies and pretended I was hunting and I had a simply brilliant time.
Then I went for a wee snooze and wakened up when my friend came in to see me and I went and sat on her knee and gave her a special purr. I tried to tell her about my fireman idea but she doesn't understand me like my MH does so I gave up. My MH will tell her if it all works out and I see no reason at all why it shouldn't.
Do you?
Thursday, 2 May 2013
Highs and Lows
That's what my day has had---highs and lows. Lots of highs and just a teeny weeny low, so it has been another good day for this puss.
The 'low' came at the start of my day so I had plenty of time to recover and oh boy, how I recovered. Magic! If you are sitting comfortably, then I shall tell you all about it.
I was sitting on the table at my kitchen window this morning just wondering what I was going to do with my dear little self, when I noticed my MH creeping up on me and nodding to my DH, but I am afraid I was too slow and I got 'de-wormed'! The awful stuff got put on the back of my little neck before I could escape, so I shall have to learn to be a lot quicker in future.
A wee while later, my DH said he was going outside to fix the roof on our greenhouse, so I gave him a wee while to himself and then I wandered out to see what he was doing. He wasn't there, but his ladder was! It was all alone leaning against our greenhouse. So, what would any normal, but adorable pussycat do in these circumstances?
![]() |
This is how high up I was! |
Yep. You got it in one! I looked to the right---no-one there. I looked to the left---no-one there, so I shot up the ladder and jumped onto the roof. Boy, it was brilliant. I had never been up there before and the view was brilliant plus there were millions of new smells for me to sniff at so I was in my glory.
I wandered all over the roof just watching and sniffing and purring and then I heard my DH coming back up his ladder, so I ran back to say hello to him, but I forgot that he didn't know I was up there and when he reached the top of his ladder and saw me on the roof saying 'Hello DH!' he nearly falled back off his ladder. Oops, sorry DH.
He carried me down the ladder----I think he was pretending he was a fireman :))---- and went and told my MH what I had been up to (literally) and we all had a laugh and 'cos I was still buzzing with excitement, I climbed up on my clothes poles and sat thinking for a long, long time.
So, I have had a brilliant day and I will have lots to tell the little mouses when I go out to play tonight.
I wonder where the ladder is? Hee hee
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
Not Much News
I have been a very lazy puss today and have not done very much at all.
My DH was away to the Cats shop in Stromness where he was working very hard. Well, that's what he was telling us a wee while ago! Me and my MH just listen and agree with him.
My MH was out for nearly the whole day and just came back to see me for a short while, so I have been left on my own a lot today. I am OK when I am on my own 'cos I have my games that I can play with if I want, but I generally just have a snooze till one of my humans comes home and then we have a play together. That's the best kind of play for me 'cos I just love company.
The weather is still quite windy and my dear old MH told me that she nearly got blowed off her little feets when she was out today. Oh, that is a shame. I gave her a special cuddle when she told me that and I purred extra loud so she liked that.
So, because I don't have much news at all for you today, I have sent you two pictures of yours truly which I hope you will like. I think I look beautiful, but then, I am just a wee bit biased!
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