Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Yippee Number Two

Picture the scene. My DH's alarm went off this morning at half past seven 'cos he had to go away earlier that usual and as it was still quite dark, I let him give me a wee bit of food then I cuddled up beside my MH for another snooze. A long time later it was time for me to get up and I was so hoping it would be another good day that I opened just one little eye and that one saw the sun shining and when I opened the other one I could see that it was another brilliant Squeak day. Oh happy, happy puss.

The next half hour or so was just the same as the rest of the days this week. My MH putting my breakfast out for me. Me devouring it rather too quickly, I must admit, and then running out the door to get into my garden as quickly as possible. I just sat on the grass and contemplated and I was a very happy little puss cat. You may have worked out by now that I am very much a fair weather puss. I put up with the wind and rain but I just LOVE the sunshine.

I did lots of running and sniffing and playing and I had a super morning and then I helped my MH hang out all my blankets that she had washed. I have lots of them to rest my adorable little body on. There are two on my couch---one on the seat and one on the back and then there is one on top of my bed and that's the one that I sometimes crawl under when I am playing hide and Squeak with the old dear. I have two sets of all these blankets so that when one lot is being washed, I still have another lot to lie on. See?

Just before my DH came home to me, I went into the gym with my MH and once I knew she was busy making her little legs do their exercises, I went off again to play and just as she was finished, she tooked this picture of me having a great big yawn.

Well, I had been a very busy puss all day and I am allowed to be tired, am I not? Hee hee

Tuesday, 29 September 2015


Another crackin' day for this peedie puss! Oh I am a deliriously happy little Squeak.

As soon as I wakened this morning and saw that the sun was still shining, I wakened my MH and told her 'cos I knew she would be very happy. And she was. I did my usual gulping down of my breakfast and then shot out of the window just to feel the warm and I liked it a lot.

My MH was doing some housework inside my house, but my DH was outside with me and him and me wandered all over my garden finding little things to do. I have made my DH very happy 'cos I talk to him a lot and the poor old soul hasn't worked out that I am still teaching him what to do to make me happy. My MH has already learned so I don't need to keep telling her, but the old boy isn't just as quick, but he is happy with his lessons.

I helped my MH when she came out to hang her washing on the rope and did my usual pole dance for her but then I made my humans howl with laughter when I raced round the corner of my garden and threw myself into the pampas grass. It is one of my very favourite outside games and my DH said that I am going to get a big fright if they ever take that away. Ooopps! Can you picture it. Squeak flying up to the top of the grass then launching myself into----NOTHING! Thud! Oh dear. I hope the pampas grass stays with me till I am a very old kitten cat.

I had more good fun when my MH decided to wash the outsides of my windows and of course I had to help her and she talked to me all the time. Actually, one of the reasons I don't talk to her, is that I can't get my turn! Just kidding, MH---honest.

The only not good thing was that I got de-flead and de-wormed. Yukk. The old dear really is getting quite sneaky 'cos she creeps up on me when I am half dozing and she strokes me, then pounces with the horrible medicine stuff which I do not like.

Ah well, that's it over for another while and maybe next time I will be a lot quicker.

Monday, 28 September 2015

A Good Monday

It was such a lovely day yesterday and I was hoping it would be the same today 'cos I was desperate to get out to play in the warm weather again. I worked out that if I went to sleep early I could be up nice and early to see what it was like. That makes good sense, sure it does?

Well,I wakened up a few times, but it wasn't day time the first or the second or even the third time, but when I wakened up the next time, it was day time and time for me to get up. I ran to my window and saw that it was another good day and I was very happy. My DH was up first 'cos it is Monday and that is one of his Cat Shop days, so he gave me my breakfast and I shot out of the window as soon as I had gobbled it up.

It was lovely and I knew I was going to have a very good day, and when I nipped in to get my milk from my MH, we decided that it would be an outside day so that was good. She did her usual housework, but every now and then she came outside with me and we played for a while on my newly cut grass which felt really soft on my adorable little paws and it felt so good as I ran all over my garden.

I made my MH smile 'cos I kept hearing things far away and my little lugs looked as though they were doing a wee dance all by themselves. I went into the gym with her and we had good fun there too. There are still lots of things for me to sniff at and discover and I like going there with her. But the best bit is when she is finished and she plays with me before we go back in again.

It is a lovely evening and I am having my after dinner nap, but I know I will be going out to play later on and since it is fine, my humans can leave the window open for me, so I can come home when I am tired.

That may take me some time!!

Sunday, 27 September 2015

A Purr-fect Day

Oh I am the happiest little puss in the world. I have had a magic day and that's why I am happy. We didn't waken up too early although me and my MH had been up a couple of times through the night while my DH was still snoring. I like when we do that 'cos when we go back to bed, my MH always has a wee chat with me and then I get a cuddle before she goes back to sleep. I will tell you a wee secret. Sometimes I waken her up just to get a cuddle---but don't tell her please.

When we did get up, I noticed that the sun was shining and I knew it would be an outside day for me so I gobbled up my breakfast and headed out of the window to see what was happening outside and it was warm. Lovely and warm and I loved it! A wee while later my MH came out and she played with me before she did her wee trick of feeling the grass and I knew exactly what that meant. Yep. The lawn mower was coming out to play. Boo

I lay in my porch and just watched as the old dear ran round my garden behind her lawn mower and I have to admit, she did make a nice job of all the grass and then the old boy brought out the strimmer to make it perfect for me to play on. I really shouldn't complain, but I don't like when the mower is out.

Later in the afternoon, my perfect day just got even perfecter when my friend S. came to see me. I was lying on the back of my couch when she comed in and she just stood beside me and cuddled me and I was so, so happy.

So, you can see why my Sunday has been so good and why I am a happy puss. I hope your Sunday has been good too.

Saturday, 26 September 2015

A Wee Upset

I have had a good day today but a rather quiet day. Me and my MH were up early and as she didn't have anything to do 'cos it was Saturday, we just sat on my couch and had a long chat and lots of cuddles which I loved.

When my DH got up, me and him went into our greenhouse to get some tomatoes to give to the old dear 'cos she likes them a lot and she is very happy when we bring them in to her. We have been bringing her some every day and although they are quite small (like me) she still loves them (like me!) They will soon be all finished though and we will need to clean the greenhouse and make it all ready to be turned into a workshop where me and the old boy can hide when the vacuum cleaner appears.

In the afternoon,my MH went away out to do craft things again with her friends and I had to look after my DH which I did very well until I saw her coming back again and then I went and sat at the gate until my friend M.'s car stopped to let my MH get out and I rolled on the path when I saw her to let her know I was happy and that made her smile.

That part of my day was very good, but later on, something happened which gave me a fright and 'cos my humans were in the kitchen and I was on my couch, they don't know what it was, so I can't tell you. It was dinner time and I had already gobbled mine up and was resting on my couch. My humans were sitting at the table in my kitchen having their dinner when my MH saw me running as fast as I could into my bedroom and she knew something was wrong. They both followed me in and my MH found me hiding under our bed and she tried to tell me I was fine, but I wasn't and she doesn't know what happened to make me not fine. She thinks maybe there was somebody or something in the field which frightened me, but right now, I am sitting on her knee with my adorable little head on her laptop and I am fine.

In fact, I am VERY fine.

Friday, 25 September 2015

String Time

'Oh it's string again
He bringed again
String for his peedie Squeak.
And I'll play with it
And I'll stay with it
Probably till next week.'

Do you like that little song I have made for you? I think I am very clever, but my adorable little brain was so sore after I had done this much, that I had to lie down in a darkened room for a while. Maybe you could finish it for me. Eh?

You can maybe see from the pictures that I have had a very good day. My humans needed lots of messages which came in lots of boxes which were tied up with....... well, can you guess what they were tied up with? YES!! Lots and lots of string! Oh I was so excited.

I could hardly wait until my DH had taken the first bit off the box. He gave it to my MH who tied it up for me and then threw it high up into the air and as soon as it landed, I was on it and I had the bestest of fun for a long time and I was just the happiest little puss in this en-tire world. Oh I do love Fridays!

It has been a very lazy day in my house with me and my MH having lots of rests, but my DH has been very busy putting all the little garden ornaments in boxes to put away for the winter. I know it is safer for them to be out of all the wind and rain and cold, but my garden looks a bit sad now 'cos it is very empty. Shame

I am looking forward to a good weekend and I hope yours is a good one too.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Another Quiet Day

I have had a good day but a very quiet one 'cos my MH was away swimming and it was just me and my DH in my house all day. I got up as usual with the old dear and played outside for a while until I knew it was about time to go in for my wee drop of milk. I can time this almost to perfection now and I never miss a drop of milk which I think is brilliant.

At half past ten o'clock, I sat on my path and watched my MH drive away down the road in her little kangaroo and I was a wee bit sad, but then I went and found my DH and we cheered one another up and then I decided to have another nap and I took my adorable little self off to my bed for a while but every now and then I would find my DH and make sure he was doing fine.

I went outside again later in the afternoon and as soon as I saw the little kangaroo coming back up the road, I sat on the path and waited till my MH got out and then I got a great big cuddle. It was quite funny though when we went in 'cos my MH thought I had been outside waiting for her all day, but my DH told her the truth and we all laughed.

I don't have any more news for you, but I have had a good day and I am hoping that I have a good night too.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Fairly Quiet

We were all back to normal again today and my house was very quiet, but it was OK. My DH was away to the Cat Shop and me and my MH spent lots and lots of time together which I loved.

We played tickle time on my bed and she rolled me up in my blanket and tickled my adorable little tummy which made me so very, very happy. She didn't have too much housework to do, so she had oodles of time for moi and lots of time for us just to sit on my couch and have little chats and I think that is one of my very favouritist things to do.

We went outside for a while in the morning 'cos the boats were moving this great big crane thing and my MH wanted to take some photographs of it so that you could see it too, and on the way back, we had a play on the grass and I runned all round my garden as fast as these adorable little feets would take me and that made the old dear smile.

Later in the afternoon we went back out again 'cos she wanted to go into the gym and of course when she was finished, it was play time again and I decided to see what her little kangaroo looked like underneath and I had a very good explore which was just magic.

By the time I had finished all the playing and exploring, it was time for my dinner and then I felt so tired that I nipped into my wee hoose for a snooze and I think I will probably be there for quite some time.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

A Very Good Day...

.... and another admirer.

We were all a bit busy this morning 'cos as you know, we had visitors coming and my humans wanted to get all ready for them, so they were busy in my house and I decided that the best place for me would be outside, so I made myself very busy in the fields for a while until I knew it would be safe to go home again.

My DH went away to the pier and I stayed home with the old dear and I was a tiny bit nervous and a great big bit excited, so I went away into the bedroom and just lay there until the lady visitor came. I listened a lot before I finally wandered into my living room and I had a good sniff at said visitor, and it was OK although I did detect D-O-G!!

I liked the lady 'cos she let me sit on her knee and she did agree that yours truly was, and is, adorable. 'Nuff said! All the humans were chattering away, so I sat on the back of my couch and half listened and half snoozed until I heard a voice that I know and love so well. It was my bestest friend S. and she had come to see our visitor too. I ran really quickly to meet her and this made the new lady smile 'cos my MH had told her that S. was my friend and I just sort of proved it.

A wee minute or two later, two more of our friends came in so I had lots of knees to sit on and lots of sniffing to do and to be quite honest, my little sniffer is a wee bit tired now, so I am going to have a snooze and then I shall go outside to see if I can find some little mouses to tell my story to.

I have had a very good time and I hope you have had a good day too.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Another Week Begins

I was up bright and early this morning full of beans and looking forward to another good week. The weather wasn't too bad so I asked my DH to feed me so that I could get out to play early. He is always up first on a Monday so that he can catch the boat to go to the Cat Shop and he likes giving me my breakfast.

I gobbled it up and then headed off out into the fields for a while and by the time I came home my MH was up and it was just the perfect time for me to have my wee drop of milk which I loved. Me and my MH said bye bye to my DH as he went away and then we sat on the couch for a while and had a natter about our day and what it was going to be like.

I knew it wouldn't be too great for me 'cos it is Monday and that means cleaning with dusters and polishes and the vacuum cleaner, but every now and then my MH would find me and sit beside me stroking my adorable little lugs which I liked very much. She told me that she was doing extra cleaning 'cos we were having visitors tomorrow and I am looking forward to seeing lots of peoples. Some of them I already know, but there is one lady coming who has never met me yet and I am a wee bit nervous and excited, but I am sure she will love me.

I was able to play outside for a long time while my MH was in her little gym and I ran all over my grass but my little feets were getting a bit wet, so I just went in and sat on the chair and watched the old dear working very hard then we went back in and sat on my couch until my DH came home again and told us all the things he had been doing.

So that has been my day and it has been a good one, but I think tomorrow will be even better and I shall tell you all about it when I write to you.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

More Excitement

Yep. We were watching the tennis again and we liked when Andy won. It was a super match and thankfully not too hard on these adorable little nerves.

I have had a very good Sunday which started off with a long sleep this morning 'cos I didn't want to get up. I am afraid that I wakened my MH a couple of times during the night 'cos I needed a cuddle. Sometimes I just waken up and want my MH to cuddle me and talk to me. I don't know why. Maybe it is a wee dream I have been having but sometimes I am feeling a bit lonely or a bit frightened. Mind you, by the time I have managed to waken the old dear from her snores, I have usually forgotten what was wrong with me! Hee hee I always get a cuddle though and then I go back to sleep feeling very happy indeed.

The weather hasn't been too bad, so I have been out playing a lot, but I was back in time to see Andy winning his match again and that made me purr very loudly. After that, my MH went away out to meet her friends to do some crafting work, so I had a snooze until she came back and then I sat on her knee and let her cuddle me while she told me and my DH what she had been doing.
I think she had good fun, but I was very happy when she comed home to me. I don't like it when she is not here.

I am having my after dinner nap and then I will be going out to play again, but it is getting dark earlier every night now and my little island is very quiet at night times, so sometimes it is quite lonely for a sociable little puss like moi. I still like it though and there is always something for me to do.

I got a wee talking to yesterday 'cos my MH asked my DH to put up the winter curtains in my living room and they are new ones, so I have been told to keep my adorable little paws away from them. You see, when they are closed, I sometimes nip up onto the window sill and try to open them myself so that my humans know I want out, but I have been told in no uncertain terms that I am in big trouble if I hurt these new ones. I will try my very bestest, but I can't promise.

I got a lovely surprise this afternoon when my friends P. and H. phoned my house all the way from Germany to say hello to my humans and to ask how I was. My humans spoke to them and then told me what they said and that made me very happy.

My weekend has been very good indeed and I hope yours has too.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

A Huge Discovery

I have finally found out why I am not very good at hide and Squeak when I am playing with my MH and I think if you look very closely at today's pictures, you will see too. I discovered this when I was looking at some pictures my MH had taken of yours truly this morning.

I have had a very good day with my humans although my dear old MH was not very happy at the weather. She had done her washing and put it out on the ropes while I climbed the clothes poles and had great fun and then a while later, when she just happened to look out the window she saw a horrid wet mist running across my little island and she knew her washing wouldn't get dried so we had to go away out again to bring it in and put it on the pulley.

I was quite happy 'cos there are lots of places for me to play in the utility room too, so I played while she worked and then we both went into my living room to watch the tennis with Andy and his big brother and we were so happy that they won. I am very glad that puss cats don't bite their claws 'cos I would have none left.

It was a brilliant match and me and my humans were very happy that team GB won the game, but we need to go through the same excitement again tomorrow, and between you and me dear friends, I don't think my adorable little nerves can take much more!

Friday, 18 September 2015

Just one of those days

Have you ever had one of those days when you just didn't feel like doing anything? Well, I had one of them today and I don't really know why. I was home and in my little bed at a decent hour last night and I had a very good sleep, but when I got up this morning, I knew I wasn't going to be a bouncing Squeak.

I had my usual breakfast and a very gentle stroll round my hunting places before nipping back in the window just in time to get my wee drop of milk and then me and my MH said bye bye to the old boy who was going to the Cat Shop today. We sat on my couch for a while before my MH decided to do some baking and as she went into the kitchen to make all the things that my DH likes,I decided to go back to bed and I stayed there nearly all afternoon! I didn't even get up for my afternoon treats. My MH was a bit worried about me and came in to see me lots of times, but I purred to tell her I was fine and she was quite happy.

One time I wakened up and I heard my television on so I went through to see what it was and she was watching my friend Andy playing tennis, so I nipped up onto her knee and helped her to watch it and it was so good 'cos he won. Me and my MH were very happy and I think Andy was too.

I think today's pictures are quite funny. The first one was when my DH came home and he put his bag on the table to show us what he had brought home and as soon as it was empty, I nipped inside and my MH nipped away to get her camera, but just as soon as she came back, I nipped out again! She was a bit disappointed, but we all smiled when we saw what she had taken 'cos we all think I look quite funny. ( We like 'nipping' in our house!)

The other one is me waiting for her computer to come on so that we can write to you today and I am watching this rather fetching picture of me. Do you know that my MH has millions of pictures of me? I think her camera must get very tired clicking at me.

But I am so very worth it!

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Much Happier

I have had a very good day today and I have been much happier. As I told you yesterday, my MH didn't go swimming so she was at home with me and when we wakened up, the first thing that I noticed was that it was dry and the sun was shining so I knew we were going to have a very good day. And I was right!

I gobbled up my breakfast and flew outside as quickly as I could. I didn't even wait for my wee drop of milk I was so anxious to get out in the good weather and I loved every single second of it. My humans were outside a lot of times with me too and I just took turns playing with one and then the other and it was so good.

I helped my DH work on my MH's car and then I helped my MH pick up some little weeds and we played our game of her throwing a wee weed away and me catching it and bringing it back again. That always makes her smile and it keeps me very fit. And talking of fit. I took my MH into the gym and as she was doing her exercises, I did some exploring and lots of sniffing and all the time I pretended that I was doing my exercises too.

I just pretended because I don't need a treadmill. I get all the exercise I need just doing my ordinary cat things and if my MH could come with me she wouldn't need it either, but then her little legs can't go nearly as quickly as mine and she would NEVER get through the fence like me!

But please don't tell her I said that, or I am in BIG trouble!

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Oh Dear..... little weather man friend didn't hear me and he let the rain come to my little island today which meant I was in my house all alone all day, and not very happy at all about it.

And as well as that. Do you remember that I was going to try and learn to tell the time so that I could help my MH waken up when she had to get the early boat? Well, I have been trying to, but I am afraid I still have some way to go 'cos I helped her again to waken up early today except it was at half past five o'clock in this morning! She was a bit happy that I had helped her but asked me to let the alarm do the job in future 'cos it was a bit too early for her. But she wasn't angry with me and you all know why. She loves me MILLIONS!!

So, she went away on the early boat. Well, actually, she nearly missed it and if I tell you why, you have to promise to keep it our secret. My DH had been working on her little kangaroo yesterday and he left the ignition switched on all night so when she went to make it go this morning, it wouldn't! Oops. She had to waken him up to take her to the boat, but she wasn't too angry with him either although she might have been if she had missed her day out with her friends. Oh dear.

A while later, my DH went away and because it was raining and not very nice, he had to close the window, so I decided the best thing I could do would be to go back to my little bed and have a sleep until they comed home to me. And that's just what I did. Well, I had been up early, hadn't I?

I have been very well cuddled since they came home and right now I have taken up my favourite position of lying on her lap top while my MH is telling you all about me. And I am very happy 'cos she has just told me that because P. has visitors coming tomorrow, they are not going swimming and she will be here all day with me.

Am I happy? No.......I am delirious!

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Another Surprise

I have been able to play outside all day today 'cos my little weather man friend has sent some quite good weather to my little island and both my humans were very happy at that. My DH had lots of things to do outside and my MH was able to hang out her washing on my clothes poles. You will all know that I had a run up all the clothes poles and I sat at the top while the old dear put all her little pegs in the clothes and then stuck them to the rope and I made sure she did it properly.

When she went inside, I went away into the fields for a long time and it was when I came home again that I got my today's surprise 'cos there were visitors in my house and I never noticed them coming in, so it was a big surprise. They had come all the way from California 'cos some of their ancestors used to stay in my house and they wanted to see it.

When I wandered in, they stroked me and told my MH that they thought I was beautiful but they weren't in my house long enough to get the full force of my adorableness. Maybe they will come back again sometime.

I have had a very good day, but I'm afraid tomorrow isn't going to be great for this little puss 'cos both my humans are going away out all day. My DH is going to the Cat Shop and my MH is having a day out with her friends so yours truly will be left all alone.

I shall ask my little weather man friend to keep my weather good so that the window can be left open and I can play until they come home again.

I shall be fine. Not the happiest, you understand, but fine.

Monday, 14 September 2015

A Peedie Surprise

I got a wee surprise this morning and I liked it a lot. As you know, it is Monday and I think you all know the routine in my house on a Monday and today was no exception with my DH nipping away on the boat and my MH doing all her housework and yours truly taking to my bed out of the way of the vacuum cleaner because it was raining and not a day to be out playing.

I was in the middle of a lovely dream about birdies and mouses when I heard my MH calling my name. I must admit that I was so comfortable that I sort of ignored her and just snuggled up in my bed, but she called again so I decided to see what the old dear wanted and that's when I got my surprise. We went for a walk! A real outside together walk. And it was great.

We first went to feed the birdies and then 'cos the rain was off, went for a walk down the road a wee bit and I did lots of running and sniffing while my MH talked to me and smiled at my tail which had all spread out and was wagging high up in the air. I did look cute. But then, I always do!

I had a rest till my DH came home to us and then I nipped out the window for a wee while, but unfortunately the rain came on quite heavy while I was out and I had to run home very quickly. My DH let me in and as he was busy telling my MH that I was soaking wet, I shooked my adorable little body to make me a bit drier and when I did this, my DH got sort of soaking wet and had to go and get changed.

He was a wee bit not happy, but me and my MH had a giggle together. We didn't let him see us 'cos he might have been a wee bit upset! Bless!!

Sunday, 13 September 2015

A Surprise

I like Sunday. It is a very lazy day in my house and my humans don't do anything very much and when they have to do something, they do it slowly, so I like that. And today I got a big surprise 'cos my friend S. came to see me. Now, S. has been away on holiday and although I knew she was home, I must have forgotten, 'cos I was very happy when she comed to see me today. I got a great big cuddle which I loved.

I played outside a lot and I was very happy that it wasn't raining so I stayed out for a long time just sniffing and playing. Lots of the birdies that came to my little island for their holidays have gone away home again so it is very quiet now although there are still some swallows in the big shed beside my house, but they have stopped dive-bombing me now 'cos my MH gave them a good telling off I am happy to say.

I watched my MH making some more of her cards and then I signaled to her that I was getting a bit bored and she tooked me outside to play and she watched me as I ran all over my garden and then rolled on my path. I love doing that and it makes my humans smile.

I have had a very good Sunday and now I am having my after dinner snooze which means that when I waken up I shall be heading out to play again for a while.It is getting dark earlier and earlier now and I like being out at night 'cos I can still see very well in the dark time so I need to sleep very fast so that I can get out to play quicker.

Oh yippee!

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Squeak's Saturday

I have had a very good day, although not a busy or exciting day, but sometimes it is good just to have very little to do and to be very honest, my dear friends it wasn't a great day for being out to play, so I was quite content being indoors and getting lots and lots of attention. And because the weather wasn't great, my two humans were indoors with me which is just how I like it, although my MH did go away out to do some crafty things with her friends, so I had to look after the old boy, which I did very well.

I have had lots of sleeps and lots of cuddles so I don't really want much more than that. In fact, when my MH went away in her little kangaroo, I just tooked to my bed and slept till she came back to me, but all the time there was one adorable little lug listening in case the old boy needed me, but he didn't so we were OK.

So, that has been my day really and now it is raining and winding all over my little island, so I may not be staying out very late tonight. I always go out when my MH goes to sleep. In fact, I have about three turns outside and each one a wee bit longer than the one before and sometimes, when my DH is in the study playing on his computer, I have to sit on the windowsill and knock the window with my little paw until he comes and lets me in again and that is when I have a wee nibble at my biscuits before shooting back into the bedroom where I snuggle up beside my MH and sleep till the morning time.

I do love my weekends and I hope you love yours too.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Friday Fun

I have had a brilliant day today and even the wind and some rain didn't spoil it for me. My DH was so very pleased with himself for cutting the grass yesterday and my MH was delighted too 'cos it has been quite blowy on my little island and the old dear would have found it hard to cut the grass in the wind, and I think she might not have done it, but she didn't have to and that made her very happy. And when the Boss is happy, we are all happy.

I helped her do some housework that she didn't do yesterday and we kept having a wee rest for a seat and a chat and I purred lots and lots until my DH came home with our messages and I played with the string, as usual. I slided all over my kitchen floor and jumped on the string until it was dead and then I did it all over again and that made my humans laugh a lot.

In the afternoon, it was time to help my MH as she was making some more of her cards and I sat on the back of the couch while she was at the table and she told me what she was doing and asked me if I liked the colours and this time I didn't jump on the table and scatter all her wee bits of paper 'cos I know that makes her a wee bit not too happy with me. I just sat and watched and purred my approval.

In between all my bits of work, I went outside to play and once or twice I nipped into our greenhouse to see what the old boy was doing and I sat on the chair and listened very carefully while he told me. I think I must be a very clever puss with all the things that are inside this adorable little head.

I hope you like this picture of me. My MH tooked it when we were sitting together on our bed and I think I look very thoughtful----as well as adorable!

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Swimming Day

Not for me, you understand. No. it was for my dear old MH and she went away in her little kangaroo for the eleven o'clock boat while me and my DH stayed at home.

It was a lovely day and even the sun was out to play so it was warm and I was very happy being out to play lots and lots of times and then I decided to have a word with the old boy and suggested that we give my MH a big surprise by cutting the grass for her and he did just that. I stayed well out of the road but I followed him round to make sure he did it as well as the Boss. And he did, but only 'cos I was there!

I spent the rest of the day outside and I had great fun but I kept watching for the little kangaroo to come back to me and it didn't come when it should have, so I was a bit upset and sat with my DH who told me that my MH would be home later, so I just kept watching and sure enough, I saw it bouncing up the road and I was very happy.

I sat with her for a long time and got lots of cuddles and as she is writing this story for you, I am sitting on her knee with my adorable little head on her keyboard and she is liking it too, so we are both happy.

But the very best bit was that me and my DH got gold stars for cutting the grass. It made the old dear very happy and she gave my DH some can of beers and I of course got a ginormous cuddle.

That's plenty for me, thank you very much.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Just Another Wednesday

I think I will have to find myself a hobby or a job or something interesting to do 'cos I don't have any news for you at all. Well, I have very little news. I haven't been doing anything wildly interesting at all and if I made something up to tell you, I would probably forget what I told you and then you would know I was making a fib and that wouldn't be good at all, would it?

So, the day started with me and my MH saying cheerio to the old boy as he skipped off to the Cat Shop. Ah, that is a wee fib 'cos my DH NEVER skips---he walked to the car then he drove to the pier and he sailed to Stromness and then walked to the shop. That is the truth, but it doesn't sound nearly as interesting , does it? Maybe a wee fib every now and then is OK? What do you think?

Anyway, me and my MH sat on our couch for a while as she was taking her breakfast and then I got the last wee drop of milk. Oh, I do love that drink of milk and it makes my MH smile when she hears me lapping it up. I went out to play for a while and I sat in my garden watching all the cows, but oh dear, what a noise they were making today. I think the bully boy might have said something to upset all the ladies and they were all shouting at him. It's just a shame they had to do all that outside my window.

When my adorable little lugs got too sore, I went back indoors just in time to catch my MH changing the beds and so I was just in time to play our very favourite game of hide and Squeak and I dived under the duvets and she tickled me and I loved every single minute of it.

So you see, although I don't do very much, I still can have great fun.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Much Quieter

I have had a good day today, but a much quieter one than yesterday. I sat on my window sill for a long time just waiting for the nice farmer next door to drive by my house in his tractor, but he must have been busy somewhere else on my little island 'cos he never came. I was a bit disappointed but my MH knew that and she played more with me and that always helps. Maybe tomorrow?

But! If he doesn't come tomorrow, then I can go to him. I know where to go and I know where the tractor sleeps at night and maybe I could even go and have my sleep in the tractor and then I could nip back into my little bed before the old dear wakens up and notices that I'm not there. Oh yes, that is just the brilliantest idea ever. I am such a clever Squeak.

I have been outside lots of times, but the best fun I had was when I was sitting on my window sill watching one of the farmers putting lots of cows in the field right in front of my house. I decided to stay indoors 'cos it was a lot safer there. Those cows are BIG. Even the little ones are much huger that me, so I keep well away when they are moving, just in case!

My friend S. is home again so my MH didn't have to go away to see another puss today although she did go and visit one of her friends and she made me stay in the house 'cos she knew that I would walk with her and she didn't want me to do that 'cos she was going to a house with some other pussy cats who stay out all the time and there are some hens there too, so it was better for me to stay at home, but I don't like it when she goes away without me.

She wasn't away too long and then we had a play together before it was time for my dinner and then another trip outside. I am going to have a snooze just now and then when I waken I will have to decide if I am going into the field to have a word with the cows or if I shall wander over to the farm next door and jump up into the tractor.

I have almost decided and I will tell you tomorrow.

Monday, 7 September 2015

A Big Adventure

Oh,I have had a super day, and I have done something today that I have never ever done before in all my almost six years on this planet and I LOVED it and it has given me an idea of what I might learn during the winter, but I need permission--and help---with that one.

So, our day started off a wee bit different than we thought it would. We knew my DH would be going to the shop, but we thought my MH would be going to Kirkwall to be on a jury. However, she got a letter on Saturday to tell her they didn't need her any more. She was disappointed and I was a wee bit sad for her 'cos she was disappointed, but I was very happy 'cos she was home with me.

I helped her with all the housework and we had some seats and chats as we went along and then the nice farmer man next door came to see us and it was then that I had my adventure. He came to my door and my MH asked him to come in, but as he was wearing all his farming stuff and his boots were mucky, he said he had better stay outside and could my MH go out. So we did and it was then that I saw it. The tractor! A great big red, shiny tractor stopped at my gate with its door open.

As the humans were talking, I nonchalantly wandered down my path and through my gate and sniffed at all the great big wheels and there were some lovely smells that I had never experienced before. Some of them were quite nice, but oh, my dear friends, some of them made my eyes water. Phew! What a pong.

I looked up and I saw a little step and decided to see where said step went and before you could say 'Squeak is adorable' I was right up on the bonnet of the tractor and it was wonderful. I was so high up I could see the whole world nearly and I liked it lots. I nipped down onto the little step again and this time I went into the cabin and I sat on the seat with my front paws on the great big steering wheel and I was in heaven.

By this time, my MH noticed me but she didn't have her camera with her and she was disappointed 'cos she said it would have been the magicest picture ever! I was a very happy little Squeak and I am thinking of asking the nice farmer man next door if I could help him when he is driving this lovely tractor. I could sit beside him and he could talk to me when he is doing his work and then he wouldn't be lonely, so it would be good for both of us.

I think that is a brilliant idea, so my adorable little paws are crossed that he will say yes. I think I know what I might be dreaming about tonight! Hee hee

Sunday, 6 September 2015

More Sighs... go with the more rain. I don't think my little weather man friend has got my letter yet 'cos it has been a horrible day on my little island and we have all been inside nearly the whole day. I did nip out for about half an hour and when I came back in, I was a tad wet so I did my normal thing of standing beside my MH till she got a tissue and dried me off. I like when she does that 'cos it is good being stroked and dried at the same time and it makes me purr very loudly.

Because of the awful weather I don't have any news for you and me and my humans have decided that we all need to get hobbies for the winter. My MH likes making her cards and gong into her wee gym as well as playing on her Wii, so maybe she has enough. My DH has started doing jig saw puzzles again so it is just yours truly who needs to get sorted out. I am mulling over a few ideas like learning to knit but I might have a little trouble handling or paw-ing the needles, so maybe that's not for me although I would like to make my own little boots as you all know.

I can go into the gym with my MH but I don't need to do any exercise 'cos I am a very fit little Squeak so apart from keeping the old dear company, there really is nothing for me to do there. I have tried to help both my humans when they are doing the cards or the jigsaw, but I tend to put the little bits where they shouldn't be and I sometimes get into a wee bit of trouble.

So, maybe you can understand my problem and if you have any ideas about a winter hobby for an adorable puss, I would be glad to hear it. I wonder if I could be a pussy cat model?

I am adorable enough, am I not?

Saturday, 5 September 2015

A Letter.....

.... from me, Squeak to my little weather man friend. Please can you make my weather better. Please, please, PLEASE! I am fed up with all this grey, wet stuff and so are my humans, so a wee bit of sunshine would be lovely, please. I wouldn't even mind if it meant the lawn mower came out again. I just want some warm sun on this adorable little body!

You will have gathered from that heartfelt plea that it has not been a very good day outside and my MH is not best pleased 'cos her little lawn mower fingers are itching to get out and cut the grass, but she would have got blowed off her little feets, so she didn't even try it today. She said maybe tomorrow, but we are not holding our breath.

Apart from the weather, I have had a very good day. It is Saturday and Saturdays are good days in my house 'cos I get as much attention as I want. I played some more with my MH and my toys and I did go outside one or two times just to get some fresh air and use up some of this energy because tonight one of my favourite programmes is coming on my television and me and the Boss sit on the couch and watch Strictly and we just love it, and then on Sundays, my friend S. comes to my house--really to see me--but we all talk about it and pick out who we like the bestest and I like that bit too.

My friend S. will be home again from being away somewhere on Monday and I will be very happy for two reasons. For one, I will be happy to see S. again and the other one is a wee bit selfish 'cos it means that my MH doesn't have to go away and leave me every afternoon to go and see S.'s pussy cat and keep her company so she won't be lonely too much. I know I shouldn't mind, and I don't really but I just get a tad jealous. I'm only human, after all!! Well, you know what I mean? And anyway, S. would do the very same for me, but it will be good when she is home just the same.

And now for my next brilliant idea. Well, it's not really MY idea but it was my friend B. who mentioned that if I learned to knit then I wouldn't be lonely when my humans are away out and I think I will do just that. If I can manage I will knit myself a little coat so that I won't be too cold when I am out playing in the winter. Brilliant, is it not?

I wonder if I could knit boots too? I will ask B. 'cos she will know.

Friday, 4 September 2015

A Much Better Day

I have been a much happier puss today 'cos we were all at home just footering around and not doing very much at all which suits me fine.

I am very glad that my humans have been with me 'cos the weather on my little island is still awful and not good enough for me to be outside playing so I needed to play inside to get rid of all my energy and I decided to see if the old dear still remembered the signal. She was sitting on the couch so I sat at her feet and just stared at her and when she looked at me, I looked at one of my toys and guess what? She remembered!! Oh what a clever puss I am. I taught her so well she didn't forget.

We went over to where all my toys are kept and the old dear got down on the floor beside me and we played for a long, long time which was just brilliant. I picked up my little mouse with my front paws and then I managed to pick up another one with my back feets and that made her giggle and I felt very clever indeed.

I love playing with my humans and we have lots of fun together and even though I will soon be a whole six years old, my MH says I play like a kitten and she loves it and hopes I never get too old for it, but I think I will stay a kitten for ever and ever.

My poor old MH is not happy at all 'cos if you remember I told you she got half of our grass cut last weekend and the grass has been so wet all week that she doesn't know when she will get the other half cut. It is a shame! That's why I am trying to cheer her up by playing with her 'cos I know it always makes her happy.

Oh, I am such a thoughtful little puss, am I not?

Thursday, 3 September 2015

A Wee Bit Lonely

I think I am not going to like Thursdays from now on. My MH has started going swimming in Stromness with her friend and she wants to go every Thursday which means that I am all alone with my DH. Now, that's not a problem 'cos you all know that I love my DH and he loves me and always looks after me, but it's not the same as when my MH is here.

She talks to me all the time no matter what she is doing and I never need to ask for a cuddle 'cos she hides them all over the house for me and every time we are together she finds one and I get it and I just love that. But when I am with my DH, I have to ask for cuddles. I always get them, but it's just not the same. Sigh. I think I am going to have to learn how to do 'the severe weather dance' Well, maybe the 'nearly-severe weather dance' eh?

It hasn't been a very good day for weather on my little island, but I did get out to play a couple of times and I met some of my little animal friends for a wee play together and it was on one of these trips outside that I noticed my MH's little kangaroo coming up the road and I sat well out of the way until it had stopped and then I ran up to my MH and do you know what I got?

Yes, a great big cuddle! Yippee!! She must have taken one with her just for when she came home to me again. Aw, bless!

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

No Trouble

I have had a good day and have managed to stay out of trouble for the whole day, which is very good.

Me and my MH spent the day together 'cos as you know, my DH goes to the Cat Shop on Wednesdays and it is a girlie day in my house and a day when there is not too much housework so there is plenty of time for me and that's just how I like it. I spent a lot of time on her knee and on the back of my couch---as you can see. My MH thought I looked so cute, she tooked this picture of me to show you how good I look.

Then she tooked out the Wii again and she decided it was time for me to get weighed and today I didn't mind at all, so she lifted me up and held me as my little Mii worked out how much of me there was and then it told me that I was just purr-fect and my weight was just as it should be. So me and the old dear were very happy at that news.

When she put it all away, she asked me if I wanted to play with some of my toys and that's how we spent the rest of the afternoon until my DH came home again, and I loved it. It has been a wee while since we played but we hadn't forgotten what to do, and I made my MH howl with laughter at some of the things I did, especially when I wriggled my adorable little bum before diving in for the kill.

She said I was just SO cute. And who am I to argue with that?

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

I'm in trouble....

..... big trouble! I meant well, but it went a wee bit wrong. Shall I explain? Of course I shall 'cos I know you will want to hear all about it.

Well, last night as I was lying on my MH's knee on my couch I heard her telling my DH that she needed to go away on the first boat so she would have to set the alarm to help her get up early. Well, I decided that I would try and get some brownie points and I would waken her up instead. And I did. There was just one wee tiny snag. It was only five o'clock in this morning! Oops!

It took the old dear a wee minute or two to work out what was happening 'cos she was sound asleep and I had tried my purrs and my squeaks and even stamping my adorable little feets on her chest didn't work, so I licked her nose and that did the trick! We wandered into the kitchen and then she looked at the clock. I can't tell you the next bit, 'cos this is a family blog, but we ended up back in our little bed and this time I let the alarm do its work. So guess what I have to learn to do next? Yep. Tell the time! She forgave me though and we all know why, sure we do? 'Cos she loves me---millions!

I stayed home with my DH but when I was out playing I got a big surprise when I saw my MH's little kangaroo coming back home and she was a lot earlier than I had thought, but I wasn't complaining. We spent the whole afternoon together and I got lots of cuddles which I just loved.

I don't have any more news for you but maybe I will have some more tomorrow. My DH is going to the Cat Shop, but I think I will let the alarm waken him up. He might not be just as understanding! Hee hee