Monday 14 May 2012

Another Briliant Idea!

Well, it was an absolutely dreadful night last night with torrential rain and a great big awful gale. I was beginning to think that I wouldn't get out to hunt at all, so I just cuddled up on my MH's knee and had a wee snooze. I thought I would let you see how comfortable I look and I know the picture will warm the cockles of your heart.

Eventually, I dragged myself up off my MH's knee, jumped up onto my window-sill and 'clouted' the wind-chimes which is the signal for one of my adoring humans to open the window and let me out, which they did.

WELL! I took off! My adorable little paws took forever to reach the ground and I landed miles away from my window. I was flying, dear reader, I was flying! I stayed out for quite a while---well, I had to make the effort worth it, didn't I?----and when I got back in, which was a job in itself 'cos I had to judge the wind before I tried to leap up onto the window sill or I would have been flying again, I told my MH what had happened to me and she told me a story which got me thinking, and you know I always have good thoughts when I think.

A long time ago, before I was even a twinkle in my REAL mummy's eye, my humans went to Greece and my MH went up in a parachute behind a speed boat and she said it was the magicest thing she has ever done and she loved it, and I thought.

If my friend who is going to make me my little boots could make me a parachute, I could play in the wind and travel miles and miles and miles! And with all the colours on my boots and parachute, I would be like a rainbow and when people looked up into the sky and said 'What's that?' I would call down to them 'It's Super Squeak!'

I just think that this is my bestest idea ever, and my MH said that if the wind was in the right direction, I could bring back fish and chips for my humans, so I think she thinks it is a good idea too.

What do you think?


  1. Dear Squeak- I live in Shetland with my family. i've only recently found you. If you need any help talking to the weatherman my dog and hens would like to write with you. Perhaps a mass conplaint would help?Keep you adorable little paws warm and dry- and honestly hang gliding is not a good idea...

  2. I suppose it would be too far to fly over the big ocean, wouldn't it. It would take too long and you would miss all the loving you get at home. You could be Super Squeak, and just stick to flying out the window. It's safer. Sadie thinks you are very brave.

  3. Hello Mandy. I am glad you have found me and I hope you like reading about all my adventures, and yes please can your animals help me get better weather from my little friend Sean? I'm sure that will do the trick.

    Bonnie, I think I will need to fly round about my little island until I get used to it, but my MH says when she wins the lottery, she will buy a boat, so maybe she could bring me to see you then. Don't hold your breath though, 'cos she's been saying that for ever! Big purrs for you and Sadie
