Tuesday 22 October 2013

Having a Great Time

Well, the weather hasn't been too bad and it certainly hasn't kept me in, so I am still a happy little pussy cat.

I have been outside a lot today. Sometimes all by myself, sometimes with my DH and sometimes with my MH and I have loved every single minute of it. I took my MH into our gym and watched her little legs doing all their exercises while her little lugs are listening to some music on her ipod. She tries to sing along, but the poor old dear doesn't have enough puff to sing and cycle at the same time and it does make me giggle when she tries! Some day she will catch me laughing and I will be in BIG trouble!

My friend M. came into see me today and he brought me a big bag of my favourite biscuits which had come off the boat, so my little tummy won't be empty for a long time. My MH went on her Wii this afternoon and she decided that it was time I got weighed again, so I had to go on it too and my Wii MII was very happy with me 'cos I am just a perfect weight. I eat lots, but I exercise lots too, so I think I must be doing everything just right. No surprise there, then!

I played with my toys for a while and my MH took this lovely picture of me when I was having a wee rest. I think I look very fetching and I am sure you will agree.


I really must try to be less modest! Hee hee :-)))


  1. Hello Squeak! Miaow!

    It is my first time commenting on this blog and you seem like you are having a lot of fun! I think that you do look very gentlecatly! In Australia we have sheep and cows but I never get to see them as we are in a city area! It would be pretty cool if I could go to see a real sheep!

    I can't wait to find out about you!


  2. Hello Aditya. Thank you for writing to me 'cos I love meeting new people. I live very close to sheeps and cows and I love playing with them too. I can tell you all about them if you like? The little baby sheeps are really beautiful, although not as beautiful as me!! Hee hee :-)))

  3. Hello Squeak!

    I love meeting new people too, or in your case cats! I would love to hear about the sheep you get to meet! What other animals do you have there?

    It would be great if you could visit my blog as well and let me know what you think! Here's the link- http://adityas-blog.weebly.com/

    I have touched baby chicks and baby goats but never seen or touched a baby sheep! Are they just like a miniature version of an adult sheep?

    Its great talking to you!

