Thursday, 10 October 2013

Much Happier

 I have been much happier today 'cos the weather has been good and I have been able to do exactly as I wanted all day and, as you know, that makes me a very happy little puss.

I didn't stay out too late last night 'cos the nights are getting a wee bit cooler and I don't really like being cold, so I was home before half past one o'clock in the morning. Normally, by this time my dear old MH is sound asleep but my DH stays up late, so he lets me in and gives me some wee biscuits and a big cuddle and then I nip in beside my MH and we snore in unison and even sometimes manage to harmonise! Hee hee

We have all been at home today and the bad wind has gone away, so I have been out playing nearly all day which I like. I even sat on the outside of the kitchen and looked in as my humans were getting all their work done and then I went in, had a big cuddle and sat on my MH's knee.

And it was when I was sitting on her knee that she was on the phone to our friend S. and I put my adorable little head up close to the phone and gave S. a great big purr and that made her laugh, and that made me happy.

When I had rested, I went back outside and told all my little animal friends that I had been talking on the phone, but they didn't really believe me so I will need to take my friend S. out to the fields with me and she can tell them that I wasn't telling porkies.

As if I would do that!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Irene,
    This is a awesome post and I like how you added comedy in it.The picture of the cat looks like its going to pounce and attack its prey.My cat cuddles me aswell .

    Does your cat cuddle you in bed or on the lounge?
    Is your cat a boy or girl?
