Wednesday 29 November 2017

Oh Dear....

... when is this horrid, horrid weather going to get better? I am so fed up getting wet and nearly blowed away every time I try to go out. It is not good at all and my little weather man friend told me it is not going to get any better. In fact, he said it might even get worser, and it is going to get very cold. He told me it might be as cold as where the polar bears live, so I think that is cold, but I shall have to ask she-who-knows-it-all. I might need a fur coat if it is going to be as cold as that. Another question for the Boss.

We had a good day today just me and my MH 'cos my DH was at the Cat Shop as usual and the old dear didn't have too much work to do so there was lots of time for me. We cuddled up together for our morning chat and then I helped her with her exercises and she talked to me all the time her little leg was doing all its hard work.

When she finished that, I watched her making her bead card but I knew not to touch all the little beads in case all the colours got mixed up, so I was a very good little Squeak and just watched her from the back of my couch. We played with my toys while we waited for my DH to come home and we listened while he told us all about his day.

I am snoozing and thinking about maybe going out later, but it will depend on the weather. As usual!! Sigh.

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