Well. What a night I had last night---or to be more exact this morning.
Remember I told you my humans were going to a party? Well, they did. Even though the wind was blowing very strong and was gale-force at some points.
They wanted to go, so oft they went and left me in the house with the window closed, so I had no option but to sleep, and by the time they came home, I was wide awake and full of beans.
It wasn't too late when they came back and my little friend the weatherman said that the speed of the wind at that time was at least 80mph and maybe more. However, you all know that I am very brave and this didn't bother me at all, so out I went. My MH told me not to be too long, and to be honest, I meant to go back in soon.
BUT!The hunting was good, and I managed to find some places where I could shelter a bit and I was having great fun. So much so, that I didn't notice the time flying past, and I didn't go home again until twenty past two this morning!
I sort of heard my humans calling to me, and although my MH had gone to bed, she was worried about me and kept getting up and calling for me. My DH was still up but he was getting tired too, and they had decided that if I wasn't in by half past two, then they would have to go to bed and leave me out all night and this worried them.
BUT! I arrived just in the nick of time and they were mightily relieved and when they told me what they had been planning, I was rather relieved too.
Needless to say, I am a wee bit tired today!