Monday 5 December 2011


My MH told me this word and I went away and looked it up in my cat-alogue of words and I liked what I learned, so I decided that as it was snowing and the wind was blowing really hard, I would hibernate.

I went through to the bedroom and I got all snuggled up and I went to sleep. It was quite a good time to pick, 'cos my MH was doing the hoovering, so I reckoned this hibernation was going to be good. And it was----for a wee while 'cos then my humans started to wrap up some presents and there was a lot of paper rustling, and although I tried to ignore it and pretend I wasn't interested, I couldn't! So I jumped up and went to see what they were doing and that was the end of my hibernation for today. I'll maybe try again tomorrow.

Me and my MH went into the gym for a while and then we played in the garden in the snow and I liked that. She is still talking about making me wee boots, but I hope they won't be too noisy or the mouses will hear me coming and I know it will be hard to tip-toe if I am wearing boots. And I need to keep up my reputation as the fiercest hunter on the entire island.

I hope she forgets that idea!

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