.....I have been a wee bit sad today 'cos the nice farmer has moved all his sheeps and cows to another field and it is very quiet at my house and I have no baby sheeps or wee calves to play with, so I have been a wee bit lonely.
I told my humans I was quite sad and they played with me outside all day which made me feel a lot better. I went into the gym with The Boss and I had a long time in the greenhouse with my DH and then the nice farmer came to sit in my garden and he talked to me too and said I could go and see the baby sheeps if I wanted to, but it is too far away for a little puss with little legs, so I think I will just stay at home.
I have been doing a lot of exploring and watching lots of birdies and I went out late last night and that's what today's picture is. I had good fun and it was very late when I went to bed.
My MH goes to bed quite early but my DH stays up late so I know I can go outside until it is very late and my DH will still be able to let me in again.
I think their training in complete---for now!