Sunday, 19 June 2011


Today is a restful one Chez Squeak, although I have been out patrolling the estate quite a lot just to make sure no horrible mouses get into my house. That is my job, and I am very good at it.

There are mummy cows and baby cows in the field beside my house but I am staying away from them just now, 'cos when the baby cows are little, the mummy cows don't let anyone near them and they can get very angry and an angry mummy cow is to be avoided at all costs.

I went into the greenhouse with my DH and after a wee while my MH came in to take some pictures of our tomatoes and she is very pleased with me and my DH 'cos the tomato plants are very healthy so we must be doing it right.

I went into the house and I jumped up on to the back of my couch so that I could see out of the window and watch the birdies flying past and the ships sailing past, but I must have nodded off and my MH took this picture of me.

I think I look adorable,don't you?

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