Sunday, 9 October 2011


I have been a bit naughty today. It is very windy and as you know, I am not overly keen on the bad wind.

Our phone went very early this morning when my humans were still sleeping and my MH had to answer it, so we both got up for a wee while in the middle of the night-----well, about 7:15am, which for my humans IS the middle of the night----and then after sorting 'stuff' out, we went back to bed.

We slept for another wee while and then we got up to stay up and it was then that I noticed the wind, but I decided that I would try and go out to play anyway, and that's where the naughty bit comes in, 'cos I couldn't stay out too long and then I wanted back in, but when I was inside, I wanted out again and my MH was nearly getting cross with me.

Eventually, she let me go out the door which was a wee bit more sheltered and I was wise enough to stay out for a whole ten minutes before jumping up to the window to be let back in again.

I think I shall have to content myself for a while and behave or you all know what could happen!

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