Well! That wind was dreadful and it is
STILL howling. I have managed out only once today and I nearly did my Batman impression.
'Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Squeak trying to land on her window-sill!'
Boy, is it blowy! Me and my MH didn't sleep too well because of all the noise and rattles the wind made, but as usual, DH never heard a thing! He just snores till he wakens up and then asks if it was windy, and that's when me and my MH start laughing. Oh dear, poor DH! He was supposed to go to Stromness today but our boat didn't sail at all so he couldn't go, but I am glad he stayed home, 'cos I got a wee surprise.
It is my birthday on the 15th December and I will be two years old then and very growed up, and today I got an early birthday present. It is a tree filled with shiny ornaments and lights and tinsel, and although my humans told me it is for something called Christmas, I have decided it is my birthday present, and I am going to play in it.
I might need to wait until the humans are asleep, but I shall be up that tree or my name's not Squeak Mathieson!
And just for you, here is a very fetching picture of the adorable one.