Saturday, 6 October 2012

Busy Puss

I stayed out very late last night 'cos I was having so much fun and I didn't want to go to sleep.

It was so late, that even my DH had gone to bed, but he had left the window open for me. However, the wind got up and the living room door started creaking and that wakened my MH so she got up to see if I would come home and just as she put the light on in my living room,I appeared at the window. I think we both gave one another a big fright, but then we giggled and went to bed, after I had a wee biscuit of course. One can't sleep on an empty (adorable) tummy, can one? Hee hee.

We had a long sleep and then my DH decided to finish off all the wee jobs in my kitchen, so me and my MH were put out of it while he did his hammering and nailing and stuff like that. He will soon be finished.

We did have a wee while in the gym and then we played in the garden, but it is a bit too windy and cold, so we just came inside again and I went for a wee lie down on one of my beds. And that's when I became not happy.

I was lying there, looking as adorable as ever, minding my own business, and my MH appeared beside me. I thought I was just getting a cuddle, but all too late I noticed the green 'thing' in her hand and before you could say 'Squeak the super hero' I was de-flea'd and not at all happy. How could she do that to me? Quite easily, it would seem!

I stayed in my bedroom in a huff for a wee while, but then curiosity got the better of me and I went back into my living room to see what was happening, and my MH took this picture of me for you, and you can't see the awful de-flea stuff on me.

So I look as adorable as ever!!


  1. You make me :) Squeak. You are adorable, flea stuff and all.

  2. Thank you Bonnie. Sometimes I even make myself :))
