Friday, 23 November 2012


I have given Plan A a good run through today and so far it has worked perfectly, so I am absolutely delighted with my adorable little self, although I am a bit disappointed that I haven't had a rush of offers for my complete way of life plans. Perhaps the market is slow just before Christmas , but I think my ready made plans would make an ideal pussy cat present.

All is well Chez Squeak and I have spent most of my day giving the resting part of plan A a work out. I even let my MH go into the gym all by herself, although I was standing by ( well, lying by is nearer the truth) the phone in case she didn't return and I had to call for help, but in she came and gave me a big cuddle for looking after her.

My DH was away to the Cats shop today so my house has been very quiet which is how I like it.

The bad wind that my little weather man friend said was coming, didn't come here and I was out playing until it was very late last night and I shall do the same tonight. It is getting dark at about half past three now, and my MH has to draw the curtains at about four o'clock 'cos it is so dark, but she leaves the one at my window open so she can see me when I arrive back from wherever I have been. She can also see if I am bringing anything home with me that she doesn't want in my house, and if that happens, then the window doesn't get open until my DH has come round and taken whatever it is from me and then I get in.

They are quite ungrateful at times and don't realise the trouble I have gone to bring them these tasty wee titbits, but maybe their taste will change. I don't think my MH would ever go into the jungle like on my television 'cos she wouldn't eat all those disgusting things, but maybe I can persuade her to try a mouse or two!

We had a wee play with my favourite toy which I call my 'hoose moose', and we had great fun, so that helps keep my energy levels up and it helps my MH keep fit too, so we are both happy.

I hope you all have a happy weekend too.

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