Thursday, 28 March 2013


------Brilliant! I am such a happy wee animal and my humans are happy too, so what more can we ask for?

It is lovely and bright on my little island and although it is cold, it is still brilliant weather for a pussy cat to be out in. My DH decided to go shopping in Kirkwall today. I think he is going to buy my MH a Easter egg. Not that she has asked for one, but she has hinted so much that if he doesn't get one she will not be best pleased, and you all know what THAT means!! :(

Anyway, we were all wakened early 'cos he has got a new alarm clock and when it went off this morning, it was so loud I am sure it wakened everybody on the island! Hee hee. However, me and my MH went back to sleep for a while and then when she was doing her housework, I sat outside on the kitchen window sill and just watched what was happening and listened to all the birdies and that made me so relaxed that I think I nodded off for a minute.

I wakened up just in time though and I got a big surprise. My MH decided she needed to clean the tops of the wardrobes 'cos there are lots of toys up there and they were all stoory (dusty) so today was the dusting day and I came inside just in time.

All the toys got put on the bed so I had a good sniff at them all and then I went up on top of the wardrobes for another good sniff. I do this through the night when my humans are sleeping and I have a wee chat to all the stuffed animals, but I was great fun being up there with my MH chasing me with her duster and then I had a sniff at all the toys as she put them back, so that was just brilliant!

We had a wee while in the gym but I spent most of the exercise time in the garden just running and chasing and killing the pampas grass, so I think I will need a sleep now before I go outside again tonight.


My DH will be home soon and I will tell you tomorrow if he brought an egg-----or not!

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