Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Normal Service

I was out very late again last night but 'cos it wasn't raining, I didn't get wet so I wasn't ringing, and when I went home, I just went straight into my little bed and cuddled up beside my MH and we both snored until the alarm clock wakened us all up this morning.

I have had a very easy day and I have been playing nursemaid to my DH who isn't feeling very well and he stayed in his bed instead of going to the cat's shop, so instead of him helping the pussy cats, this pussy cat helped him. See?

He has got the cold and is coughing and sneezing, and to be honest, my dear friends, at one point I had to put my little paws over my adorable little lugs 'cos he was making so much noise, I am sure he frightened the little mouses in the fields! :-))

When my MH came home, I sat on her knee and told her all about it and we had a wee giggle together, which is a shame really 'cos he isn't very well. Oh dear.

I played in the sink in the utility room today while my MH was doing her ironing and I paddled in the basin which had a wee drop of water in it and then when I came out again, I shooked my little paw and soaked my dear MH who had to go and dry her glasses before she could find her iron again. Oops!


After that, she ran round the house with her window machine washing all the insides of the windows and it was then that she noticed a wee birdy had done something not nice on the outside of the window that she  had cleaned on Monday and she was not best pleased, I can tell you. I stayed out of her way until she had calmed down---just in case.

So, that has been my day and we are all watching my television now, but I shall be going outside later on and I think I might be out for a long, long time.

I shall tell you tomorrow.

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