Monday, 23 December 2013

Grumpy Puss

I am afraid that's what I have been today---a bit of a grump. An adorable grump, but still a grump!

And why? Because it is still howling out there and raining and cold and definitely not weather for this little puss and I am getting fed up with it all.

I wakened up and I listened and it was quite quiet, so after my breakfast, I headed outside but then the wind creept up on me and gave me a fright, so I scooted right back in again.

My MH has been busy with her cleaning but she did stop every now and then to play with me so that was fine. But I got into trouble at one point 'cos when she was in the kitchen at the sink, she turned round and yours truly was on top of the fridge where yours truly shouldn't have been and she told me to come down, but I wouldn't! Sorry Santa.

My MH stretched up high---'cos she is just little---and gently lifted me down, but five minutes later, guess where I was? Yep, right back up on top of the fridge! Hee hee She called for my DH and when he told me to come down, I did. Well, I did, but it was about five minutes after he told me to. Sorry Santa!!

It was OK though 'cos my humans can never be angry at me for long and I am sure they won't tell Santa.

I like climbing and my MH took this picture of me sitting on the table before she made me come down from that too. I wonder if there is any place high up in my house where I am allowed to be?

I shall ask the Boss and let you know!

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