Monday, 27 January 2014


..... I did go outside last night but only for a little while. I know I keep banging on about the weather but it affects everything that I do, so I have become very interested in it and I watch the weather forecast on my television. This has nothing to do with the fact that my little weather man friend Sean is lovely and I like when he talks to me and I am still convinced he has wee special messages just for me.

So, here is today's weather on my little island. Wind and rain and nothing else! I have been sitting on my window sill a lot just looking out and watching all the big waves on the sea. Even the little birdies have been sheltering somewhere, but I have some sheeps in the field in front of my house that I can nod to.

My humans went away out again this morning to look after the other puss cat and the hens and my MH said that she nearly got blowed over, but she was fine and she was even finer after I had sat on her knee for a while and listened while she told me all about it.

In a way, I quite like it now that it is windy 'cos my MH knows that I need to get rid of all my energy and so she makes a point of playing with me lots and lots of times during the day and I like that so very much. I made her giggle again this afternoon 'cos she was sitting on the couch reading and I decided that it was play time, so I sat on the floor beside my toys and I just stared at her for a long time. Now, to the un-trained, this just looked as though I was just staring, but I was actually sending 'please play with me' brain messages from me to her and suddenly she looked up and said 'Ok, I'll play for a wee while' And she did.

I know I am a very clever puss, but even I was a bit surprised at how quickly this message got through to the old dear, but now that I know just how receptive she is, I shall be doing this lots more and I will see if it works with other things like dinners and biscuits. I shall experiment and then let you know. I may even publish a puss cat manual on training humans. Just a thought!

I have been in an out quite a lot but it is very wet and very blowy and my DH shooked his head ---and his beard--- this afternoon 'cos I had been outside and as soon as he let me in the window, I ran straight to my litter tray and did the needful and he did mention this to my MH, who knew right away that the grass would be too wet for this delicate little bottom, but he hadn't worked that out.

But, dear reader, he knows now!


  1. If only Sadie could use a litter box. She fell off the 1st step of our porch after returning from her 'needful', but she is ok. She does not like the soggy grass either.

    1. Oh poor Sadie. I hope she is OK and not hurt. Maybe I could teach her how to use a litter tray 'cos I am very good at it. My humans say it sounds as though I am digging for coal when I am finished, but I like to be thorough and thorough takes time, doesn't it? Just let me know if you need my help and I shall send Sadie all the instructions. I hope you are well too, Bonnie and thank you for writing to me again. Squeak

  2. Hello darling Squeak - Zebby Cat would have approved because he chose to come inside and use his litter tray even when it was fine and sunny!. Sending much love and many huggles, Michelle xxx

    1. Hello Michelle. Oh it is so good to hear from you again and my MH says to tell you she is very happy to hear from you. We both hope you are well and we have been thinking about you. I have missed your huggles and am very happy they are back, so I am sending you a very special purr and one of my extra special squeaks---just for you.
