Sunday, 12 October 2014

Happy, Happy, Happy

You will have noticed that there are three 'happys' in my title today and that is one each for me, my MH and my DH so you will know that my house has been a very good place to be today, and I hope your place has been the same.

The weather was good this morning so the first good was that me and my MH went out to clean all our windows and I helped her as she went round my house with her cloth and her bucket and her window machine and we made a lovely job of all the windows which are sparkling now. My DH was outside at the same time and he was doing lots of little jobs which made him very happy. Me and my MH even picked up some weeds so all my paths are looking good again. I like helping to pick up the weeds and I even pulled one with my adorable little teeths which made the old dear smile.

My next happy was when my bestest friend S. came to see me and she gave me lots of cuddles which I liked. We had a wee chat and she lifted me up a couple of times so I gave her a special purr and she went away home very happy.

Me and my MH had a wee rest then and I sat on her knee on top of my couch and we had our usual chat and then I got a ginormous surprise when three of my children friends came to see me. Now, I will let you into a wee secret. I don't really like childrens very much 'cos they are quite noisy and do everything very quickly which is a wee bit different to my humans who are quiet and a wee bit slow, so I said hello to the childrens and then hided under my couch until they had run out of steam a bit. I was under my couch rather longer than I would have liked 'cos it tooked them a long time to be quiet but finally my dear old MH persuaded them to sit quietly and I reappeared and that made them happy.

I sat on my couch with the children and I lay on the floor watching one of them watching me and that made us all laugh, but at one point I had to go outside to get some peace and quiet and I think my MH would have comed with me if she could have got out of the window! Hee hee

It was noisy in my house for a while but we all liked seeing the childrens and I hope they come back to see me again-- but maybe not for a wee while! :-))

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