Monday, 31 August 2015

A No-news Day

I have been a very lazy little Squeak today and have spent most of the day sleeping, but I have sleept on lots of different places, so I did get a wee bit of exercise.

I was able to stay out rather late last night and when I went home, both my humans were in bed and my DH was already snoring, but my MH was still reading so she got up to close the window and I got a treat at the same time, then we both snuggled up and went to sleep.

Today was a very normal Monday in my house with my DH away to the Cat Shop and me and my MH playing with her vacuum cleaner and her dusters, and even the spitting steamer machine came out as well, but I stayed out of the way of that one 'cos I definitely don't want to be a steamed puss.

It has still been raining a lot on my little island, so it wasn't really a day to be out playing, but I did go out for a couple of trips to the fields and then I went home again. None of my little animal friends were out playing and I was a bit lonely, but as soon as I jumped in through the window, my MH gave me a big cuddle and talked to me, and I wasn't lonely any more.

There was another rainbow in the sky and here is its picture which I hope you like. This afternoon, my MH was playing on her Wii, but I very quickly disappeared into my wee hoose and watched her from there 'cos I didn't want to play and sometimes she lifts me up to get weighed and I just didn't feel like it today, and because my MH knows me so well, she just left me in peace.

She is a good MH and we just love one another MILLIONS!

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