Monday, 1 August 2016

Here We Go Again

It is Monday again. But you know that don't you? My MH asked me where the time had gone 'cos it just seemed like yesterday when it was last Monday.

It was a normal Monday Chez Squeak with my DH nipping away on the boat to go to the Cat Shop and me and the old dear having a seat and a chat about what we were going to do with the day, but I sort of knew the answer to that one, and I think you probably know too. Yep. It was houseworking day with polishes and brushes and the vacuum cleaner, so I nipped outside for a while until I knew the coast was clear.

It was quite a good day weather wise, so my MH left the door open and I could nip in and out as often as I pleased for a cuddle or a kind word, but sometimes I just lay in my porch and looked out at the little birdies that were in my garden and I was nice and cosy, so it all worked out fine.

I did give my humans a wee fright though when the old boy came home. I sat on the couch while he was telling us all that he had done and then I just sort of wandered off while they were putting away the things that he had brought home-----and they couldn't find me! My MH looked all over my house but I wasn't where she looked and although I heard her calling, I stayed hiding and then she had a brainwave. She knows all my little habits and soon she found me.

She knelt down on the floor and looked under the couch at the back of it, and who do you think was looking back at her? Yes! It was ME-----her adorable little Squeak and that made her very happy.

I was OK, but just felt I needed a wee while on my own, but when I saw my MH lying on the floor, I squeezed my adorable little body out again and cuddled up to her and that made us both very happy.


  1. Sometimes we all need a little time on our own. I am glad you didn't make you MH overly worried.

  2. You know I am too good a pussy cat to do that, Bonnie! I am glad you liked the views that my MH tooked for you and I am happy that the little baby puss cats are doing well, but I hope they are not TOO naughty. Just a little bit, eh?
